Sunday, February 23, 2014

You Want Fries With That? Hardee's Manager Forces Employee To Have Sex

Q. 930. What is the third?
A. Oppressing of the poor, which is a cruel, tyrannical, and unjust dealing with inferiors.
Q. 931. What other proof have you of that?
A. Out of Exod. xxii. 21. “Ye shall not hurt the widow and the fatherless: If you do hurt them, they will cry unto me, and I will hear them cry, and my fury shall take indignation, and I will strike thee with the sword.” And out of Isa. x. 1, 2. “Wo to them that make unjust laws, that they might oppress the poor in judgment, and do violence to the cause of the humble of my people.” Q. 932. What is the fourth?
A. To defraud working men of their wages, which is to lessen, or detain it from them.
Q. 933. What proof have you of it?
A. Out of Eccl. xxxiv. 37. “He that sheddeth blood and he that defraudeth the hired man, are brethren,” and out of James v. 4. “Behold the hire of the workmen that have reaped your fields, which is defrauded by you, crieth, and their cry hath entered into the ears of the Lord God of Sabbath.”

A former fast food waiter is suing Hardee’s restaurant chain, claiming his supervisor pressured him into a sexual relationship and fired him when he ended it. Gerald Anderson alleged manager Danielle Dahlenburg hired him in August 2012 and subjected him to 'unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and sexual touching', according to court documents filed on February 5. The South Dakota man claims he had sex with Dahlenburg for at least two months because she led him to believe it was a job requirement.'When she hired him, Dahlenburg told plaintiff that if he 'applied' himself and worked with her 'on and off the clock' he could advance to a management position,' the suit alleges. 'Dahlenburg led plaintiff to believe that his submission to her sexual advances was a condition of his employment and that he would be fired, or otherwise retaliated against, if he did not acquiesce.' Daily Mail Read More>>>>>

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Alabama Interim Superintendent Amy Bryan Forces Greenville High School To Make Sure Homo Couples Attend Junior-Senior Prom!

The sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance
Q. 925. HOW many such sins are there?
A. Four
Q. 928. What is the second?
A. The sin of Sodom, or carnal sin against nature, which is a voluntary shedding of the seed of nature, out of the due use of marriage, or lust with a different sex.
Q. 929. What is the scripture proof of this?
A. Out of Gen. xix. 13. where we read of the Sodomites, and their sin. “We will destroy this place because the cry of them hath increased before our Lord, who hath sent us to destroy them,” (and they were burnt with fire from heaven.)

An Alabama high school that previously banned same-sex couples from attending prom has reversed its policy after an outcry from students. Earlier this week, it came to light that Greenville High School had said it would allow only “traditional couples” –- meaning a male and a female –- to attend prom, according to local outlet WSFA-TV. Interim Superintendent Amy Bryan abolished the anti-gay policy soon after she learned of its existence. "An administrator issued a list of prom rules that included a discriminatory statement," she said, per WSFA. "No one lost their right to go anywhere. It's unfortunate it was in our rules, and all children will be welcome to the Junior-Senior Prom." Huffington Post

Federal Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman: Sodomite Couples Can Wed In Chicago

Federal Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman

The sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance
Q. 925. HOW many such sins are there?
A. Four
Q. 928. What is the second?
A. The sin of Sodom, or carnal sin against nature, which is a voluntary shedding of the seed of nature, out of the due use of marriage, or lust with a different sex.
Q. 929. What is the scripture proof of this?
A. Out of Gen. xix. 13. where we read of the Sodomites, and their sin. “We will destroy this place because the cry of them hath increased before our Lord, who hath sent us to destroy them,” (and they were burnt with fire from heaven.)
A federal judge says gay couples in Chicago don't have to wait until June to marry. Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman's Friday order says there is no reason to delay same-sex marriages in Illinois, when the state's law is set to take effect. Her finding applies only to Cook County. She says no opposition has been presented to the court, and gay and lesbian couples "have already suffered from the denial of their fundamental right to marry." The decision stems from a lawsuit filed against the Cook County clerk, who supports gay marriage. Chicago is in Cook County. Coleman already ruled in December that same-sex couples did not have to wait until June to marry if one or both partners had a life-threatening illness. Now that applies to all couples. Fox

Homo-Fascist Disrupt Press Conference Of CFV Organizer Scott Lively Washington, D.C.

The sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance
Q. 925. HOW many such sins are there?
A. Four
Q. 928. What is the second?
A. The sin of Sodom, or carnal sin against nature, which is a voluntary shedding of the seed of nature, out of the due use of marriage, or lust with a different sex.
Q. 929. What is the scripture proof of this?
A. Out of Gen. xix. 13. where we read of the Sodomites, and their sin. “We will destroy this place because the cry of them hath increased before our Lord, who hath sent us to destroy them,” (and they were burnt with fire from heaven.)

Complete Interview Of Former Nurse: Planned Parenthood Employees View Abortion As 'Rite Of Passage'

Six Weeks Old

The sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance
Q. 925. HOW many such sins are there?
A. Four.
Q. 926. What is the first of them?
A. Wilful murder, which is a voluntary and unjust taking away another’s life.
Q. 927. How show you the depravity of this sin?
A. Out of Gen. iv. 10. Where it is said to Cain “What hast thou done? the voice of the blood of thy brother crieth to me from the earth: now, therefore shalt thou be cursed upon the earth.” And Matt. xxvi 52, “All that take the sword, shall perish with the sword.”

Complete interview of nurse who once help perform abortions:

Q. When and why did you start working for Planned Parenthood?

A. “I started working for Planned Parenthood in 2010 to start up their conscious sedation program [which allowed clients to purchase mild to moderate sedatives to be given intravenously before an abortion]. Plus the job was very close to my house.”

Q. Did you know what they were about, what they did?

A. “I did. And I must admit I was kind of on the fence about abortion. I think a lot of it came from working at Wishard [Hospital], and seeing girls that had attempted abortion themselves and ended up with hysterectomies, or boyfriends beating them because they were pregnant. My thought was, ‘Well, you need a safe place [for an abortion]. People shouldn’t be doing it on their own. And people are going to be doing it anyway, so why not provide them a safe place to do it?’ ”

Q. When did you start having qualms or misgivings about working for Planned Parenthood

A. “I started feeling uneasy working there when people came from [the] national [office] in New York City to teach us the conscious sedation process. It was disgusting. These two ladies had this chant they would do: ‘Abortion all the time!’ I thought, ‘I’ve got to get out of here.’ That was about six to eight months after I started.

“Those women from New York acted like an abortion was a rite of passage. They were like, ‘How can you not offer abortion to women? It’s their body. They should be able to do whatever they want. How can you force them to have a baby? Abortion should be free to anybody, anytime.’ ”

Q. How many abortions are done at the Georgetown facility per day?

A. “In the upper 20s to low 30s, including medical abortion by pill. Abortions are done there every Tuesday and Friday, and then they alternate between Thursday and Saturday.”

Q. Were there ever any difficulties with the abortion procedures?

A. “Several times, there were difficulties with abortions while I worked there, where they had to call the hospital to come pick the woman up.

“One girl almost bled out. She was passing clots, her blood pressure was dropping.

“A lot of the cases we had were from excessive bleeding or reactions to the sedation.

“When we had to call 911 for an ambulance, we were told never to say the word ‘abortion’ because they don’t want that broadcast. They knew that the calls were recorded, and could be made public.”

Q. What was it like working there?

A. “It was a money-grubbing, evil, very sad, sad place to work.

“We would get yelled at if we didn’t answer the phone by the third ring. They would tell us we’d be fired [if we didn’t] because they needed the money.

“They would remind us in our weekly staff meeting that we need to tell everyone [who called to schedule an appointment] to avoid ‘those people’ [the sidewalk counselors] because we need the money. We were to tell them, ‘Don’t make eye contact with them, and don’t stop in the driveway. If you make eye contact with them or if you stop and roll down your window, they’re going to try their darnedest to talk you out of it.’

“You have to have so many [abortions] a month to stay open. In our meetings they’d tell us, ‘If abortions are down, you could get sent home early and not get as many hours.’

“They would allow girls to have ultrasounds that were obviously way too far along [the legal limit for having an abortion in Indiana is 13 weeks and six days]. They said, ‘If they want to be seen, you just put them through, no problem,’ just taking advantage to make money.

“I was always getting in trouble for talking too long to the girls, asking if they were sure they wanted to do this.

“It was absolutely miserable going in there.”

Q. What experiences stick with you?

A. “One young girl came in with her mom. She was about 16. Her mom had made the appointment. That’s not supposed to be how it works. It’s supposed to only be the patient who makes the appointment. I checked her in, and she thought she was there for a prenatal checkup. The mom was pushing it. She blindsided her own daughter.

“This guy brought in a Korean girl. I had no doubt in my mind this girl was a sex slave. This guy would not leave her side. They could barely communicate. He wanted to make all the arrangements.

“During the ultrasound, she told one of the nurses that there were lots of girls in the house, and that the man hits them. She never came back for the abortion. I always wondered what happened to her. One of my co-workers said, ‘You’re better off to just let it go.’

“These girls would start crying on the table, and Dr. [Michael] King [the abortion doctor for whom Anderson worked] would say, ‘Now you chose to be here. Sit still. I don’t have time for this.’

“One doctor, when he was in the POC [products of conception] room, would talk to the aborted baby while looking for all the parts. ‘Come on, little arm, I know you’re here! Now you stop hiding from me!’ It just made me sick to my stomach.

“The sound the suction machine made when it turned on still haunts me.”

Q. Did you ever interact with the sidewalk counselors?

A. “One day I was coming in, and I’d written out a note to one of the [sidewalk counselors] that said, ‘I’ve worked here for a little over two years. I’m actively looking for something else. Please pray for me. I don’t want to be here.’ All I could do was hand it to her. She tried to give me a pamphlet, but I told her no, I had to go because there are cameras that watch the drive.”

Q. How did you finally start talking to Eileen Hartman [founder of the Great Lakes Gabriel Project]?

A. “I used to get the Focus on the Family e-mails by James Dobson. The book unPlanned by Abby [Johnson] was advertised on his website. I ordered it immediately, right then and there.

“I read it in two or three days. I Googled her and sent her a message and gave her my phone number, and she called me. We’ve talked several times.

“She asked if it was OK with me if she gave my name to someone locally who I could talk to. So she gave my number to Eileen, and Eileen called me. We talked all the time.”

Q. How did Eileen and the sidewalk counselors help you out of Planned Parenthood?

A. “Eileen was the biggest help. She was there for me to talk to her any time I wanted. She offered me services to help with my résumé and interviewing, which I did take her up on. They offered prayers all the time. I got e-mails constantly that they were praying for me every day. That alone was comforting.

“I never for one second felt judged or put down by anybody. I felt so much criticism from inside that building versus the love I felt [from those] on the outside.”

Q. How did you end up leaving Planned Parenthood?

A. “I was fired in July 2012. I was mad because I wanted to quit! I was planning on quitting just two days later.

“As I was being fired, my phone was vibrating in my pocket. It was Community North [Hospital] calling about the job, to say it was looking good. They called again the next Monday and said the job was mine if I wanted it! I love my job now. I work with wonderful, Christian people. I just love it.”

Q. How are you handling your regret over working in the abortion industry?

A. “I went to Abby’s retreat [through And Then There Were None, a non-profit organization that Abby Johnson started to help former Planned Parenthood workers heal].

“We did a lot of sharing and exercises. They wanted us to pick out a name every day for one of the babies whose abortions we were a part of, and pray for that child. I still do that. I can’t remember the number [of abortions] I came up with, but I figure it will take me several years before I get through the list.”

Q. What made you decide to start talking publicly about your experience?

A. “The [Right to Life of Indianapolis’ ‘Celebrate Life’] dinner downtown [on Sept. 17]. I felt so much love and acceptance in that room. I wandered around there looking at how happy the people were, how much they’re really trying to help other people. I thought, ‘I want to be a part of that.’ I thought I could start by telling my story, then maybe later I could be a sidewalk counselor.

“God didn’t give us the right to take another life. I don’t seek revenge. I just want to right a wrong.”

Q. Is there anything else you’d like to add?

A. “The journey to abortion happens long before the girls show up at Planned Parenthood. These young girls who are 13, 14 years old—they’re looking for love and acceptance. By the time they get to Planned Parenthood, they’ve already been through some awful stuff.

“Where do you start educating these girls? High school? Junior high? It’s getting younger and younger.

“There’s something wrong with the family that this is happening, these single parent families, these dads in prison. The journey to prevent this starts way before they get to the door of any abortion center.” †

Criterion On Line

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Wall Street Hedge Fund Exec Robert Wilson, 87 Commits Suicide, Jumps To His Death 23 Dec 2013

Q. 930. What is the third?
A. Oppressing of the poor, which is a cruel, tyrannical, and unjust dealing with inferiors.
Q. 931. What other proof have you of that?
A. Out of Exod. xxii. 21. “Ye shall not hurt the widow and the fatherless: If you do hurt them, they will cry unto me, and I will hear them cry, and my fury shall take indignation, and I will strike thee with the sword.” And out of Isa. x. 1, 2. “Wo to them that make unjust laws, that they might oppress the poor in judgment, and do violence to the cause of the humble of my people.”
Q. 932. What is the fourth?
A. To defraud working men of their wages, which is to lessen, or detain it from them.
Q. 933. What proof have you of it?
A. Out of Eccl. xxxiv. 37. “He that sheddeth blood and he that defraudeth the hired man, are brethren,” and out of James v. 4. “Behold the hire of the workmen that have reaped your fields, which is defrauded by you, crieth, and their cry hath entered into the ears of the Lord God of Sabbath.”
From December of 2013:

A renowned Wall Street tycoon gave away his entire $800 million fortune before falling to his death in a suicide jump this week. Hedge fund multi-millionaire Robert W. Wilson, 87, leapt from the 16th floor of his luxury San Remo apartment building (pictured above), a prestigious address in New York’s Upper West Side which has been the residence of Steven Spielberg, Demi Moore, Glenn Close, Dustin Hoffman, Bono, Steve Martin, Bruce Willis and Steve Jobs in the past. Independent Read More>>>>>

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Richard Talley, 57, CEO of American Title Services Commits Suicide By Shooting Himself With A Nail Gun

Q. 930. What is the third?
A. Oppressing of the poor, which is a cruel, tyrannical, and unjust dealing with inferiors.
Q. 931. What other proof have you of that?
A. Out of Exod. xxii. 21. “Ye shall not hurt the widow and the fatherless: If you do hurt them, they will cry unto me, and I will hear them cry, and my fury shall take indignation, and I will strike thee with the sword.” And out of Isa. x. 1, 2. “Wo to them that make unjust laws, that they might oppress the poor in judgment, and do violence to the cause of the humble of my people.”
Q. 932. What is the fourth?
A. To defraud working men of their wages, which is to lessen, or detain it from them.
Q. 933. What proof have you of it?
A. Out of Eccl. xxxiv. 37. “He that sheddeth blood and he that defraudeth the hired man, are brethren,” and out of James v. 4. “Behold the hire of the workmen that have reaped your fields, which is defrauded by you, crieth, and their cry hath entered into the ears of the Lord God of Sabbath.”
A CEO has committed suicide by shooting himself multiple times with a nail gun, a coroner reported on Friday. Richard Talley, 57, founder of American Title Services in Centennial, Colorado, was found dead in his home on Tuesday with up to eight wounds to the torso and head. His company was being investigated by state insurance regulators at the time of Mr Talley's suicide.A family member found the 57-year-old dead in his garage, the Denver Post reported. Mr Talley has been married to his wife Cheryl since 1989. He moved to Colorado from Chicago where he was a regional finance officer for Drexel Burnham Lambert. Daily Mail Read More>>>>

Tata Motors Managing Director Karl Slym Jumps To His Death

Q. 930. What is the third?
A. Oppressing of the poor, which is a cruel, tyrannical, and unjust dealing with inferiors.
Q. 931. What other proof have you of that?
A. Out of Exod. xxii. 21. “Ye shall not hurt the widow and the fatherless: If you do hurt them, they will cry unto me, and I will hear them cry, and my fury shall take indignation, and I will strike thee with the sword.” And out of Isa. x. 1, 2. “Wo to them that make unjust laws, that they might oppress the poor in judgment, and do violence to the cause of the humble of my people.”
Q. 932. What is the fourth?
A. To defraud working men of their wages, which is to lessen, or detain it from them.
Q. 933. What proof have you of it?
A. Out of Eccl. xxxiv. 37. “He that sheddeth blood and he that defraudeth the hired man, are brethren,” and out of James v. 4. “Behold the hire of the workmen that have reaped your fields, which is defrauded by you, crieth, and their cry hath entered into the ears of the Lord God of Sabbath.”
NEW DELHI— Karl Slym, the managing director of Tata Motors Ltd. died Sunday in Bangkok, the Mumbai-based auto maker said. The exact cause of death wasn't immediately known, a Tata spokeswoman said. She said it appeared Mr. Slym had fallen from a high floor of his hotel in Bangkok. The 51-year-old Mr. Slym was in Thailand to attend a meeting of the board of directors of Tata Motors' Thai unit, the company said. WSJ Read More>>>

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Prince William On A Rampage Wants To Strip Out ALL Of Buckingham Palace's Ivory & Destroy The Lot To Set An Example For Other World Leaders!

Prince William has vowed to destroy all 1,200 ivory artefacts in Buckingham Palace to 'send a message' to illegal elephant poachers. The priceless collection includes a throne from India that belonged to Queen Victoria, as well as fans, tankards, statuettes, and furniture. But sources close to the prince say he feels strongly about putting 'his money where his mouth is'. If successful, he will go on to urge other heads of state to follow suit. A long-term supporter of animal rights charities, the Duke of Cambridge makes regular speeches imploring world leaders to adopt a 'zero tolerance' policy towards illegal poaching in the lucrative trade. On Thursday, he joined his father Prince Charles to a summit in London urging industry members to 'follow the money' to chase the brutal gangs, just days after the pair released a multi-lingual appeal for people to condemn illegal poaching across the world. At home in Clarence House, William is said to have ordered for all ivory items to be hidden from sight for years. Speaking at a conference last year, the second in line to the throne said: 'The forces that are currently destroying some of the world's most endangered species are sophisticated and powerful, but this week we are seeing the creation of an equally powerful alliance, coming together to help fight them.' The royal collection now under threat mainly consists of gifts handed to the Queen by leaders across the world. Daily Mail Read More>>>>>

Monday, February 10, 2014

Chevy Pro-Sodomy Ad For Sochi Winter Games

Q. 928. What is the second?
A. The sin of Sodom, or carnal sin against nature, which is a voluntary shedding of the seed of nature, out of the due use of marriage, or lust with a different sex.
Q. 929. What is the scripture proof of this?
A. Out of Gen. xix. 13. where we read of the Sodomites, and their sin. “We will destroy this place because the cry of them hath increased before our Lord, who hath sent us to destroy them,” (and they were burnt with fire from heaven.)
While several Olympic sponsors have spoken out against Russia's restrictions on gay rights ahead of the Sochi Winter Games, Chevrolet is rolling out two ads during the U.S. broadcast of the opening ceremony on Friday that feature gay couples. The ads are the first to feature gay couples during an Olympic broadcast, according to GLAAD, an advocacy group for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. They also come at a time when a fairly new Russia law banning gay "propaganda" from reaching minors has drawn strong international criticism ahead of the Games. Three sponsors of the U.S. Olympic Committee — AT&T, DeVry University and yogurt maker Chobani — have spoken out explicitly against the Russian law. Other companies that have remained silent on the issue have been criticized on social media. And there have been calls for a boycott of the Sochi Games from gay activists and others around the world. Chevy, a unit of General Motors Co. that is not an official sponsor, didn't comment on the Russian laws specifically, instead saying in a statement that "these ads ... are not intended as any political commentary." But some advertising experts say the commercials make a pretty clear statement. "Actions speak louder than words," said Allen Adamson, managing director of the New York office of branding firm Landor Associates. "The action of putting a spot on the Olympics is far more powerful than a press release. It's a very clear statement of what they believe Chevy stands for." One ad, called "The New Us," for the Chevrolet Traverse crossover SUV, shows quick shots of many different families, including a gay male couple with a son and a daughter. "While what it means to be a family hasn't changed, what a family looks like has," a voiceover states. "This is the new us." Another ad, an overall Chevrolet brand spot, features a pastiche of different images of America, including a shot of a gay couple getting married. "Like the old love the new love starts with a kiss," a voiceover states. "Like the old community the new community still keeps us connected. ... A whole new lineup for a whole new world." The ads are the latest example of advertisers trying to be more inclusive in terms of who they show in their commercials. During the Super Bowl last week, Cheerios featured an interracial couple and Coca-Cola showcased a diverse array of families from different ethnicities and backgrounds, including a gay couple. The Coke ad was the first time a gay couple had been featured in a Super Bowl ad. GLAAD CEO Sarah Kate Ellis said the ads "truly reflect the fabric of our nation, which today includes gay and lesbian families."ABC NEWS

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Compassionate JP Morgan Bankers From Canary Wharf Headquarters Hold Minute's Silence For Suicide Jumper Gabriel Magee!

Q. 930. What is the third?
A. Oppressing of the poor, which is a cruel, tyrannical, and unjust dealing with inferiors.
Q. 931. What other proof have you of that?
A. Out of Exod. xxii. 21. “Ye shall not hurt the widow and the fatherless: If you do hurt them, they will cry unto me, and I will hear them cry, and my fury shall take indignation, and I will strike thee with the sword.” And out of Isa. x. 1, 2. “Wo to them that make unjust laws, that they might oppress the poor in judgment, and do violence to the cause of the humble of my people.”
Q. 932. What is the fourth?
A. To defraud working men of their wages, which is to lessen, or detain it from them.
Q. 933. What proof have you of it?
A. Out of Eccl. xxxiv. 37. “He that sheddeth blood and he that defraudeth the hired man, are brethren,” and out of James v. 4. “Behold the hire of the workmen that have reaped your fields, which is defrauded by you, crieth, and their cry hath entered into the ears of the Lord God of Sabbath.”
Employees at JP Morgan have held a minute's silence today for a bank executive who died after jumping 500ft from the top of the bank's European headquarters in London yesterday. Gabriel Magee, an American senior manager, 39, fell from the 33-storey skyscraper at around 8am and was found on the ninth floor roof, which surrounds the Canary Wharf skyscraper. His body was left in full view of City workers in surrounding buildings for up to four hours as police investigated the death. Daily Mail Read More >>>>>

Chief Economist At Russell Investments Mike Dueker Jumps To His Death From Tacoma Narrows Bridge In Washington State.

Q. 930. What is the third?
A. Oppressing of the poor, which is a cruel, tyrannical, and unjust dealing with inferiors.
Q. 931. What other proof have you of that?
A. Out of Exod. xxii. 21. “Ye shall not hurt the widow and the fatherless: If you do hurt them, they will cry unto me, and I will hear them cry, and my fury shall take indignation, and I will strike thee with the sword.” And out of Isa. x. 1, 2. “Wo to them that make unjust laws, that they might oppress the poor in judgment, and do violence to the cause of the humble of my people.”
Q. 932. What is the fourth?
A. To defraud working men of their wages, which is to lessen, or detain it from them.
Q. 933. What proof have you of it?
A. Out of Eccl. xxxiv. 37. “He that sheddeth blood and he that defraudeth the hired man, are brethren,” and out of James v. 4. “Behold the hire of the workmen that have reaped your fields, which is defrauded by you, crieth, and their cry hath entered into the ears of the Lord God of Sabbath.”
Russell Investments chief economist Mike Dueker was found dead Thursday, and police said it appeared he had taken his own life by jumping from a ramp near the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington State. His death is the latest in a series of untimely deaths among finance workers and business leaders around the world this past week. An officer who knew Dueker was missing in the area spotted the body about 8:30 a.m. at the base of a 40- to 50-foot embankment for a Highway 16 ramp, Pierce County sheriff's spokesman Ed Troyer said.Dueker's car was parked at nearby War Memorial Park and it appears he jumped over the 4-foot fence of a bike-jogging trail along the ramp, Troyer said. Police do not believe the death was an accident or that Dueker was a victim of a crime, Troyer said. Daily Mail Read More>>>>>

JP Morgan Vice President Gabriel Magee Jumps From Top Of JP Morgan's Headquarters In Canary Wharf, London

Q. 930. What is the third?
A. Oppressing of the poor, which is a cruel, tyrannical, and unjust dealing with inferiors.
Q. 931. What other proof have you of that?
A. Out of Exod. xxii. 21. “Ye shall not hurt the widow and the fatherless: If you do hurt them, they will cry unto me, and I will hear them cry, and my fury shall take indignation, and I will strike thee with the sword.” And out of Isa. x. 1, 2. “Wo to them that make unjust laws, that they might oppress the poor in judgment, and do violence to the cause of the humble of my people.”
Q. 932. What is the fourth?
A. To defraud working men of their wages, which is to lessen, or detain it from them.
Q. 933. What proof have you of it?
A. Out of Eccl. xxxiv. 37. “He that sheddeth blood and he that defraudeth the hired man, are brethren,” and out of James v. 4. “Behold the hire of the workmen that have reaped your fields, which is defrauded by you, crieth, and their cry hath entered into the ears of the Lord God of Sabbath.”
'It was bonus week at JP Morgan last week so I hope it wasn't to do with that'......
“Police were called at approximately 08.02 hrs on Tuesday 28 January to reports of a man having fallen from a building at 25 Bank Street, E14 and landing on a ninth floor roof. London Ambulance Service and London Air Ambulance attended. The man was pronounced dead at the scene a short while later. The deceased is believed to be aged 39. We believe we know the identity of the deceased but await formal identification. Next of kin have been informed. No arrests have been made and the death is being treated as non-suspicious.” Metropolitan Police

Faggot Vitali Sediuk Wearing Only A Crown And Leopard Print Thong Storms The Prabal Gurung Runway

Faggot Vitali Sediuk

Q. 928. What is the second?
A. The sin of Sodom, or carnal sin against nature, which is a voluntary shedding of the seed of nature, out of the due use of marriage, or lust with a different sex.
Q. 929. What is the scripture proof of this?
A. Out of Gen. xix. 13. where we read of the Sodomites, and their sin. “We will destroy this place because the cry of them hath increased before our Lord, who hath sent us to destroy them,” (and they were burnt with fire from heaven.)

Fashionistas got a lot more than they bargained for this morning when a streaker was spotted storming the Prabal Gurung runway at New York Fashion Week. The man, who was wearing nothing but red tube socks, a black jacket, a leopard print thong and what looked to be a Burger King crown, briefly joined the models on the catwalk before being escorted out by a guard and bringing the show to a temporary halt. And he left such an impression on the amused spectators that he got his own Twitter account, PrabalGurungStreaker, within minutes of the hilarious incident, promptly tweeting: 'Crowns are in this season.' According to WWD, the brazen man was none other than Ukrainian actor Vitali Sediuk, who has pulled similar stunts at the Grammys and SAG awards shows. Daily Mail Read More>>>>>

AOL Tries To Screw Workers: Would Stop Matching 401(k) Contributions Each Pay Period!

Q. 932. What is the fourth?
A. To defraud working men of their wages, which is to lessen, or detain it from them.
Q. 933. What proof have you of it?
A. Out of Eccl. xxxiv. 37. “He that sheddeth blood and he that defraudeth the hired man, are brethren,” and out of James v. 4. “Behold the hire of the workmen that have reaped your fields, which is defrauded by you, crieth, and their cry hath entered into the ears of the Lord God of Sabbath.”

AOL’s chief executive officer had to backtrack on a 401(k) policy change after an employee outcry that was fueled in part by Armstrong’s own comments defending the idea. After saying last week that AOL would stop matching retirement contributions each pay period -- opting instead to pay a lump sum once a year -- the CEO blamed Obamacare and the medical expenses of two employees’ pregnancies for forcing the change. He then reversed the 401(k) decision over the weekend in a memo to employees. “We heard you on this topic,” Armstrong, 43, said in the memo. “I made a mistake and I apologize for my comments.” Armstrong’s mea culpa was his second in five months for a public controversy. In August, he sent a memo to workers saying he was wrong for firing a creative director in front of a room full of employees, as well as a thousand others who were listening on a conference call. Bloomberg

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Hollywood Drug Addict Philip Seymour Hoffman Dead Of Heroin Overdose!

Oscar winning actor Philip Seymour Hoffman has been found dead in his Manhattan apartment after an apparent drugs overdose. Hoffman, who was 46, won the Academy Award for Best actor for the 2005 film, Capote. The American actor and father of three was found in his bathroom on Sunday morning on the 4th floor of his West Village Apartment according to law enforcement officials with a syringe still sticking out of his arm surrounded by bags of heroin. 'It’s pretty apparent that it was an overdose,' one official said. 'The syringe was in his arm.' Daily Mail Read More>>>>>>

Former Deutsche Bank Senior Manager William 'Bill' Broeksmit Hangs Himself!

Wealthy banker apparently a godless banker with a troubled conscience kills himself by hanging. What could trouble a wealthy man so much that he hangs himself?

One thing about the rich - they know that the man who can plan for 50 years is a very intelligent, wise and prudent man indeed! Most of the wealthy pride themselves on their ability to foresee years ahead. But if planing for fifty years is to be admired as a good thing, then don't you think that if you plan for all eternity would be wiser? After all eternity is more than 50 years. But this godless schmuck only foresaw his retirement from the bank - he certainly wasn't fixated on eternity now was he?

Here is the neighborhood in which he lived in and in which he died in:

Evelyn Gardens

They say money can't buy you happiness - which is true and it can't clear your conscience either. What trouble the banker so much that death was more appealing to him than life?

Well if don't believe in hell or heaven then why not kill yourself?

Call these latest banker suicides a thing to come  - call it a demise of the financial world.
A former Deutsche Bank executive has been found dead at a house in London, it emerged today. The body of William ‘Bill’ Broeksmit, 58, was discovered at his home in South Kensington on Sunday shortly after midday by police, who had been called to reports of a man found hanging at a house. Mr Broeksmit - who retired last February - was a former senior manager with close ties to co-chief executive Anshu Jain. Metropolitan Police officers said his death was non-suspicious.Mr Jain and co-chief executive Juergen Fitschen said in an internal memo: ‘He was considered by many of his peers to be among the finest minds in the fields of risk and capital management.' They added: ‘We are deeply saddened by Bill's death. He was a dear friend and colleague to many of us who benefitted from his intellect and wisdom. ‘Our thoughts and condolences are with his wife and family at this time. We will remember him for his contributions to Deutsche Bank, thoughtful advice and personal friendship.’ Mr Broeksmit worked in investment banking - specifically risk and securities - and lived on exclusive Evelyn Gardens in South Kensington, which has an average property value of £1.9million. He is also registered to a high-value property a stone's throw from New York's Central Park. Mr Broeksmit's name appears on U.S. government records for the Broeksmit Family Foundation, which is based in the palatial 1185 Park Avenue building. The three-bedroom, three-bathroom apartment to which he is linked was worth $4,500,000 when it was last sold in June 2000. Daily Mail Read More>>>>>>
Look at these two sorry sonsofbitches

Tribute: Co-chairmen of Deutsche Bank, Juergen Fitschen (left) and Anshu Jain (right) called Mr Broeksmit 'a dear friend and colleague to many of us who benefited from his intellect and wisdom'
Typical godless corporate bullshit - a dear friend indeed! Maybe the godless pagan Indian can pray to his money god for a share in the wisdom of the godless banker who hung himself!

Zuckerberg Claims Facebook Is Successful Because He, And His Employees, Simply Cared More!

When asked about his company's phenomenal success this week, Zuckerberg put it down to the fact that he, and his employees, simply 'cared more'. Daily Mail Read More>>>>

Yea....nothing bad will ever come back to haunt Zuckerberg with that comment......

Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Wicked Conscience Of A Godless Wealthy Jeweller Sandra d'Auriol Made Her Jump To Her Death After Cosmetic Surgery In Beverly Hills!

Yoga Didn't Save Sandra d'Auriol
Deep Spirituality Didn't Save Sandra d'Auriol

Her death is blamed on post-anaesthetic psychosis.

How about a wicked conscience made her jump off the building of a famous plastic surgeon there in Beverly Hills.

Yeah that's a better explanation.

The wealthy are idiots when it comes to things of God.

The best peace of mind is not a pile of money but a good conscience. And by good conscience I don't mean a conscience that is numb to everything - but a conscience that is formed by the Roman Catholic faith - a conscience that obeys the will of God by adhering to the ten commandants and the precepts of the Catholic Church. A conscience that needs regular confession to a priest - weekly of bi-weekly.

Instead this wealthy lady put all her trust in clearing her conscience by giving money to various secular charities.

According to her "friend" (another godless soul) Sandra d'Auriol gave time & money to charities:
She started an appeal after the recent terrible typhoon in the Philippines, and raised a substantial amount of money and goods. Not content with doing that, she got on a plane with Yan, and helped on the ground with the distribution of disaster aid.
Sandra co-founded a charity called the Child Welfare Scheme, for children in Nepal, which was funded with the profits from her business.
Giving money and time to secular charities is not gonna ease a wicked conscience - the wealthy are too stupid to realize this - so just sit back and watch their public demise.

Her friend said that:
Yoga, for Sandra, was almost a way of life.
Sandra was not a conventionally religious person, but she believed in God, and had a deep spirituality.  
Figures - yoga and of course that deep spirituality - and don't forget a woman like Sandra d'Auriol is too sophisticated and intelligent to believe in God as are all the wealthy

But being a creation of  a God she denies worship to still must be buried like all heathens so her memorial service is being held  at an Anglican church - St John’s cathedral in Hong Kong.

And get this:
Friends are being asked not to send flowers - Sandra abhorred the waste of flowers at ceremonies - but to dress in bright colours ‘to create the most colourful and precious bouquet of all for Sandra: one made up of her beloved friends and family’. Daily Mail Read More>>>>
Ha! No flowers in the house of God (not saying Anglican church is God's house - just making the observation that most godless souls never want to show any respect to God with ceremonies and incense and flowers and whatnot)  Sandra d'Auriol  like all godless souls wouldn't want to give any glory and honor to the God who created her, now would she?

Defrauding The Working Man Of His Wages: Celebrity Chef Mario Batali Skimming Millions From Employee Tip Jar! Transcendental Meditation Made Him Do It!

Practitioner Of The Dark Art Of Transcendental Meditation 
What Does He Meditate On? Food?

Here's a guy who is supposed to be an Italian but he is not a Roman Catholic - instead he is a practitioner of the dark art of transcendental Meditation as taught by David Lynch. So instead of attending daily Mass and saying the Rosary and mediadting on the passion of Christ this fat and smelly slob does twenty minutes of mindless meditation as taught by Indian pagans. So far his TM has lead to steal 5 million in tip money from employees.

That would be the sin of defrauding the working man of his wages.

"So what!" you say.

Well that's one of the sins that cries to heaven for vengeance

Which means that it does not look to good for the fake Italian Batali - I wonder where in the pit of hell Dante would place this sorry bastard with the gluttons? with heretics? with the fraudsters?

Celebrity Chef Mario Batali and his partner Joseph Bastianich have agreed to hand over $5.25 million to employees at Batali's several high-profile Italian restaurants. Man-in-charge Batali who was grilled last year for saying 'The way the bankers have toppled the way that money is distributed, and taken most of it into their own hands is as good as Stalin or Hitler, the evil guys', was charged with skimming dough from his own hardworking staff. Two thirds of the settlement will be shared by 1,100 captains, servers, busboys and various staff at restaurants like Babbo, Bar Jamon, Casa Mono, Esca, Lupa, Otto, and others provided they worked from July 22, 2004 to February 14, 2012, according to court documents.Daily Mail Read More>>>>

Roman Catholic Governor Chris Christie The Bridge Closer Hobnobs With Rich & Famous At Pervert Howard Stern's Birthday Party

Jew Pervert & Roman Catholic Scum

Roman Catholic Governor Chris Christie is a liar. He ordered the closure of the George Washington Bridge out of spite.

After NJ got hit by hurricane Sandy in 2012 the governor of NJ should have done penance.

NJ Coast Hit By Hurricane Sandy 2012

Instead this fat slob refused to penance for his sins - penance like fasting. And because the head of NJ refused to appease the Blessed Trinity by tears and penance look what happened next:

One year later NJ boardwalk gets hit by a fire!

Boardwalk Fire 2013

Still the NJ Governor does not do penance. Fasting would be a good penance for this unrepentant fat slob:

Whale At The Wall

Instead of fasting the bastard gets a tummy tuck!

What do you think God is gonna do to the state of NJ because of this lying bastard?

Christie has no time for fasting but plenty of time to party with the rich and famous

Fat Scum & Jon Bon Jovi
Despite the latest allegations that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie knew about plans to block entrances to the George Washington Bridge last year, the governor was out hobnobbing with celebrities like Jon Bon Jovi and Jimmy Fallon last night. Christie attended a birthday party for shock-jock Howard Stern on Friday - the same day his childhood friend, and former adviser announced that he has evidence that proves Christie was lying when he claimed to have no prior knowledge of the lane closures until after it happened. The governor, however, disputes the claims made bu David Wildstein, a high-level appointee at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, who personally oversaw the traffic disruption that many say was an act of political retribution against the mayor of Fort Lee who didn't back Christie in his last election. Daily Mail Read More>>>>>>

What lies ahead for NJ - what disaster will be visited upon the state of NJ for the sins of the fat Governor? Will keep you posted....

85 Billionaires Control All Wealth Of The World - Oppression Of The Poor & Defrauding The Working Man Of His Wages

Undignified Bill Gates

How do 85 godless slobs control all the wealth of the world?

By oppression of the poor
By defrauding the working men of their wages

This blog is the first of its kind to call a thing by its real name.

This blog will not defend capitalism in any form. This blog will not defend godless economic theories of Marx or Belloc or Chesterton or the Austrian school of economics or any modern day economic theory - all the economic theories are godless and do not look to man's final end and do not prepare men for their final end and therefore do not bring man happiness in this life.

The 85 billionaires do not have the best interest of the common good in mind.