Friday, July 31, 2015

Jew Rebecca Watson Says Planned Parenthood is Not Selling Baby Parts, You Fucking Idiots: How Come Jew Rebecca Watson Wasn't Aborted & Sold For Body Parts!! LOL!!!

Q. 925. HOW many such sins are there?
A. Four.
Q. 926. What is the first of them?
A. Wilful murder, which is a voluntary and unjust taking away another’s life.
Q. 927. How show you the depravity of this sin?
A. Out of Gen. iv. 10. Where it is said to Cain “What hast thou done? the voice of the blood of thy brother crieth to me from the earth: now, therefore shalt thou be cursed upon the earth.” And Matt. xxvi 52, “All that take the sword, shall perish with the sword.”

This ain't no Ninive!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Planned Parenthood VP Says Fetuses May Come Out Intact, Agrees Payments Specific To The Specimen

Q. 925. HOW many such sins are there?
A. Four.
Q. 926. What is the first of them?
A. Wilful murder, which is a voluntary and unjust taking away another’s life.
Q. 927. How show you the depravity of this sin?
A. Out of Gen. iv. 10. Where it is said to Cain “What hast thou done? the voice of the blood of thy brother crieth to me from the earth: now, therefore shalt thou be cursed upon the earth.” And Matt. xxvi 52, “All that take the sword, shall perish with the sword.”

This ain't no Ninive!

LOL! Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards Says These Extremist Videos Are Nothing Short Of An Attack On Women BUT ABORTING FEMALE BABIES ISN"T!!!!

The sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance

Q. 925. HOW many such sins are there?
A. Four.
Q. 926. What is the first of them?
A. Wilful murder, which is a voluntary and unjust taking away another’s life.
Q. 927. How show you the depravity of this sin?
A. Out of Gen. iv. 10. Where it is said to Cain “What hast thou done? the voice of the blood of thy brother crieth to me from the earth: now, therefore shalt thou be cursed upon the earth.” And Matt. xxvi 52, “All that take the sword, shall perish with the sword.”

Planned Parenthood president: These extremist videos are nothing short of an attack on women

By Cecile Richards July 29 at 7:55 PM

Cecile Richards is president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

Planned Parenthood has been a trusted nonprofit provider of women’s health care for nearly a century. Each year, 2.7 million people come to our health centers for high-quality, nonjudgmental, compassionate care.

Since our very beginning, our health centers, providers and patients have come under outrageous attacks, political and otherwise. These attacks are not about us. They are about the ability of women across the country to access health care. Period.

The most recent attacks in this decades-long campaign represent a new low.

These extremists created a fake business, made apparently misleading corporate filings and then used false government identifications to gain access to Planned Parenthood’s medical and research staff with the agenda of secretly filming without consent — then heavily edited the footage to make false and absurd assertions about our standards and services. They spent three years doing everything they could — not to uncover wrongdoing, but rather to create it. They failed.

While predictably these videos do not show anything illegal on Planned Parenthood’s part, medical and scientific conversations can be upsetting to hear, and I immediately apologized for the tone that was used, which did not reflect the compassion that people have come to know and expect from Planned Parenthood.

While our opponents have been working to create scandal and panic where none exists, doctors and nurses at Planned Parenthood health centers have continued to provide care to thousands of women, men and young people every day — contraception, cancer screenings, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and safe and legal abortion.

Whose efforts are doing more to help families and make our country healthier?

Planned Parenthood is at the leading edge of providing the highest quality reproductive health care — including providing every new form of FDA-approved contraception and using technology to reach patients in underserved areas. That commitment has led to important health advances and helped produce the lowest rate of teen pregnancy in nearly 40 years.

Despite that success, some members of Congress last week made clear their ultimate goal to eliminate access to safe and legal abortion — by targeting Planned Parenthood. In effect, they are trying to cut patients off from programs that reduce unintended pregnancies and save lives. It’s important to understand what exactly would be “defunded” by these politicians. The federal funding Planned Parenthood health centers receive goes toward preventive medicine — breast and cervical cancer screenings, birth control, STI testing and treatment, well-woman exams — that millions of low- and middle-income women across the country rely on. Those are the services that would be lost. Some politicians claim that ending support to Planned Parenthood is related to abortion services, knowing full well that because of the Hyde amendment there has been no federal funding of abortion services except for very narrow exceptions for nearly four decades — and that low-income women have been prevented full access to abortion as a result.

Attacking this funding is attacking women who need preventive health care, including women who need cancer screenings and contraception. Congress should not allow politics to get in the way of lifesaving care.

The women who come to Planned Parenthood don’t do so to make a political statement; they come to get high-quality, affordable and compassionate care. When a patient comes to us, we don’t ask her if she’s a Democrat or a Republican because health-care provision should never be political.

A fringe group in Congress tried to defund Planned Parenthood in 2011 and failed. It won’t work this time either.

The American people know that we provide essential health services to millions. They know that because it’s likely that at one point in their lives they’ve gone to Planned Parenthood, or a friend or partner has.

One in five women has relied on Planned Parenthood for health care in her lifetime. Those women are the victims here. Planned Parenthood patients turn to us not just because they know we uphold the highest medical standards of care but also because we are part of their local community. More than half of Planned Parenthood’s health centers are in rural or medically underserved areas. And for many low-income women, Planned Parenthood health centers are their sole source of medical care. Our health centers are lifelines that our country cannot afford to cut.

The extremists will not win this battle. The goal of these attacks is to get Planned Parenthood to stop providing care — and that will never happen. We have proudly provided reproductive health-care services for 99 years, and we are only getting started.

Whether Congress chooses to stand with extremists or with the women of the United States is up to them. Planned Parenthood will always stand with our patients and protect the rights of every woman to access care. Today, we need the American people to stand with them too.

This ain't no Ninive!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

You Do Realize That St Agnes Church Is Calling Down The Vengeance Of God Upon New York City? Hires Sodomite Organist


Q. 925. HOW many such sins are there?
A. Four.
Q. 928. What is the second?
A. The sin of Sodom, or carnal sin against nature, which is a voluntary shedding of the seed of nature, out of the due use of marriage, or lust with a different sex.
Q. 929. What is the scripture proof of this?
A. Out of Gen. xix. 13. where we read of the Sodomites, and their sin. “We will destroy this place because the cry of them hath increased before our Lord, who hath sent us to destroy them,” (and they were burnt with fire from heaven.)

This ain't no Ninive....

And the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrha brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. And he destroyed these cities, and all the country about, all the inhabitants of the cities, and all things that spring from the earth. Gn

Tranny Katie Hopkins Proposes Euthanasia Vans As UK Has 'Far Too Many Old People' BRING OUT YOUR DEAD!

The sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance

Q. 925. HOW many such sins are there?
A. Four.
Q. 926. What is the first of them?
A. Wilful murder, which is a voluntary and unjust taking away another’s life.
Q. 927. How show you the depravity of this sin?
A. Out of Gen. iv. 10. Where it is said to Cain “What hast thou done? the voice of the blood of thy brother crieth to me from the earth: now, therefore shalt thou be cursed upon the earth.” And Matt. xxvi 52, “All that take the sword, shall perish with the sword.”


Katie Hopkins is “super-keen on euthanasia vans” and says there are “far too many old people”. The Sun columnist – who launches her own panel show If Katie Hopkins Ruled The World next month – said it is “ridiculous” to live in a country “where we can put dogs to sleep but not people”. Her comments come shortly after she admitted regretting some of the extreme language she used against migrants in a column she wrote in the Sun entitled “Rescue boats? I’d use gunships to stop migrants”. Katie Hopkins: ‘I definitely identify with that murderer thing, where you click off’ Read more In an interview by Michael Buerk in Radio Times magazine, Hopkins said: “We just have far too many old people.” She added: “It’s ridiculous to be living in a country where we can put dogs to sleep but not people.” The Guardian Read More>>>>>

This ain't no Ninive!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Human Capital - Episode 1: Planned Parenthood's Black Market in Baby Parts's not paying any of

The sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance

Q. 925. HOW many such sins are there?
A. Four.
Q. 926. What is the first of them?
A. Wilful murder, which is a voluntary and unjust taking away another’s life.
Q. 927. How show you the depravity of this sin?
A. Out of Gen. iv. 10. Where it is said to Cain “What hast thou done? the voice of the blood of thy brother crieth to me from the earth: now, therefore shalt thou be cursed upon the earth.” And Matt. xxvi 52, “All that take the sword, shall perish with the sword.”

This ain't no Ninive!

Cardinal Dolan Sends Best Wishes To Sodomite Chris Prestia Organist At NYC's St. Agnes Church On His Marriage With Shane Gallagher!

Chris Prestia + Shane Gallagher

Sodomite Chris Prestia is Organist and Choirmaster at 
St. Agnes Church 
143 East 43rd St
New York City NY 10017 
(212) 682-5722

Christopher Prestia began his musical training at the age of six in Garland, Texas, after a full year of endlessly begging his parents for piano lessons. After relocating to Wantage, NJ in 2003, he discovered his love for organ when he accepted his first position as a church musician in October of 2004. After beginning formal organ lessons with John Baratta in Newton, NJ he decided to make sacred music his life’s work. He proceeded by pursuing his Bachelor’s degree in Organ Performance with Mark Laubach at Marywood University in Scranton, PA, where he also began his vocal and choral studies. Immediately after completing his programs at Marywood, Christopher continued on to study Organ Performance and Sacred Music at Indiana University under Bruce Neswick, Dominick DiOrio, and Janette Fishell. 

In his spare time, Christopher enjoys composing music, playing the cello, cycling, cooking, and calligraphy. An adult convert to Catholicism, Chris has a deep love for music as a window to the heavens—a channel to God’s splendor, so to speak. 

He takes a very spirited approach to music and is a strong believer that music from all time periods, especially those great hymns and works that have transcended generations, can be meaningful, relevant, and moving to all who participate in it by singing or actively listening. He is honored to be a part of the ministry here at St. Agnes as our new Organist & Choral Director, and he looks forward to serving and praying with the parish. To learn more about Christopher’s work, please visit his website.


Saturday, July 25, 2015

CEO Nigel Travis Of Dunkin' Donuts Says $15.00 An Hour Is WAY TOO MUCH!! BITCH TRAVIS MAKES $4,889 AN HOUR!!! LOL!


Q. 925. HOW many such sins are there?
A. Four.
Q. 930. What is the third?
A. Oppressing of the poor, which is a cruel, tyrannical, and unjust dealing with inferiors.
Q. 931. What other proof have you of that?
A. Out of Exod. xxii. 21. “Ye shall not hurt the widow and the fatherless: If you do hurt them, they will cry unto me, and I will hear them cry, and my fury shall take indignation, and I will strike thee with the sword.” And out of Isa. x. 1, 2. “Wo to them that make unjust laws, that they might oppress the poor in judgment, and do violence to the cause of the humble of my people.”
Q. 932. What is the fourth?
A. To defraud working men of their wages, which is to lessen, or detain it from them.
Q. 933. What proof have you of it?
A. Out of Eccl. xxxiv. 37. “He that sheddeth blood and he that defraudeth the hired man, are brethren,” and out of James v. 4. “Behold the hire of the workmen that have reaped your fields, which is defrauded by you, crieth, and their cry hath entered into the ears of the Lord God of Sabbath.” Took place in Italy both look like immigrants from the middle east

A top Dunkin' Donuts executive has raised some eyebrows after saying that the $15-an-hour minimum wage hike is 'absolutely outrageous'. Dunkin' Brand CEO Nigel Travis, who made more than $10million in 2014, said that he supports 'reasonable increases' to the minimum wage, but believes the 71 per cent increase to $15 per hour will do more harm than good. His comments come after New York state's wage board recommended that fast-food workers in New York City should make at least $15 per hour by the end of 2018.


Minimum wage in New York is currently $8.75 an hour. 'It's going to affect small businesses and franchises,' Travis told CNN, adding that it will put a halt to hiring new employees. 'Most concerning to us was that the fast-food industry was singled out for this increase,' Travis said, according to Restaurant News. He added: 'The regulation also targeted franchise businesses and it does not acknowledge that, just because our franchisees share a common brand, they themselves are small business people to whom every increase in business expenses can have an impact.'


Travis, who has a mansion in Massachusetts and a flat in Florida, said that he supports the idea of a 'living wage' that should be tied to an employee's cost of living. He said that he believes $12 an hour sounds more reasonable, believing this to be the living wage fora worker with a family. But MIT's Living Wage Calculator shows that the living wage for a single adult in New York state is $12.75. For a family with two working parents and two kids, each parent would have to make $18.30 an hour. 'A debate needs to take place about how to tackle income inequality,'Travis said, adding that the decision to raise wages is premature. Daily Mail Read More>>>>>

Jew Wife Joanna


And the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrha brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. And he destroyed these cities, and all the country about, all the inhabitants of the cities, and all things that spring from the earth. Gn

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Jew Dr. Mary Gatter Planned Parenthood Senior Executive Haggles Over Baby Parts Prices, Changes Abortion Methods

The sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance

Q. 925. HOW many such sins are there?
A. Four.
Q. 926. What is the first of them?
A. Wilful murder, which is a voluntary and unjust taking away another’s life.
Q. 927. How show you the depravity of this sin?
A. Out of Gen. iv. 10. Where it is said to Cain “What hast thou done? the voice of the blood of thy brother crieth to me from the earth: now, therefore shalt thou be cursed upon the earth.” And Matt. xxvi 52, “All that take the sword, shall perish with the sword.”

This ain't no Ninive!

Historic First Openly Sodomite On Network News! Thomas Roberts Anchored NBC's "Nightly News" On Saturday Night & Had Anal Sex Afterwards To Celebrate!


Q. 925. HOW many such sins are there?
A. Four.
Q. 928. What is the second?
A. The sin of Sodom, or carnal sin against nature, which is a voluntary shedding of the seed of nature, out of the due use of marriage, or lust with a different sex.
Q. 929. What is the scripture proof of this?
A. Out of Gen. xix. 13. where we read of the Sodomites, and their sin. “We will destroy this place because the cry of them hath increased before our Lord, who hath sent us to destroy them,” (and they were burnt with fire from heaven.)

This ain't no Ninive....

And the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrha brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. And he destroyed these cities, and all the country about, all the inhabitants of the cities, and all things that spring from the earth. Gn

Monday, July 20, 2015

British Airways LGBT Community Bringing Down Vengeance From Heaven? BA Flight Attendant Dies From EBOLA! #Lovewins

#Love Wins
Woe to the inhabitants of the earth! There will be bloody wars and famines, plagues and infectious diseases. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879) 
“The earth will be struck by calamities of all kinds (in addition to plague and famine which will be wide-spread). Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)
British Airways supports the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community, both within our organisation and amongst our customers. By recognising and embracing the differences in our staff and customers we help to promote an inclusive environment that treats everyone according to their individual needs. On our web site at we have a dedicated page, Flying with Pride for our LGBT customers, which focuses on our involvement in Gay Pride, highlights fares to popular LGBT destinations and outlines our diversity commitment for anyone interested in joining British Airways.
LOL! Look BA has a tranny that works for them! BA parades tranny around:

Suzi James
Suzi James is an IT Portfolio Manager at British Airways. Here she tells her story about her gender reassignment and her diversity work within the company. 
“I know that British Airways wants people of every sexual orientation to feel valued at work – it provides us with the strength to deliver excellent customer service worldwide. My personal experience, and those of other employees involved, helps British Airways evolve more effective diversity strategies within the company and with customers. 
I work with our Sexual Orientation Strategy Group and our employee network group BANGLES (British Airways Network for Gay, Lesbian, bisexual and transgender Employees), as well as external organisations such as Stonewall, to create understanding amongst colleagues about the impact of sexual orientation issues. We also work closely with our commercial department to provide tailored offers for the LGBT market. 
My gender reassignment over ten years ago was a very positive experience, with the support of colleagues, friends and family. For example, after informing my colleagues of my transition at the time, I received dozens of emails, all supportive. 
Through my various roles and locations within British Airways I have met and worked alongside people of all kinds of backgrounds, and over the years have witnessed increasing enlightenment and understanding. This is not necessarily true for everyone everywhere. Misunderstanding and lack of knowledge remains in some areas, which can lead to bullying and unequal treatment. Through the Sexual Orientation Strategy Group, and as a member of BANGLES, I hope to help in some small way to overcome such intolerance. BANGLES aims to connect LGBT staff throughout the airline to share information, ideas, learning and experience and so support their personal and professional success. We meet professionally and socially through the network. 
British Airways is an active Stonewall Diversity Champion, which allows us to network and share information on sexual orientation equality with over 600 other employers across the UK. We also take part in Stonewall’s Workplace Equality Index, which help us to evaluate our workplace practices on sexual orientation equality, to make sure British Airways is being fair as an employer.”
BA Flight attendant dies from EBOLA

BA blames malaria and some unnamed disease!

Questions for you - if BA is willing to lie about one of their male employees who claims he is a women because he had implants and his balls removed  - don't you think that the fools at BA are gonna lie about one of their flight attendants?

Here is the reality on Malaria:
Over one million people die from malaria each year, mostly children under five years of age, with 90 per cent of malaria cases occurring in Sub-Saharan Africa. An estimated 300-600 million people suffer from malaria each year. More than 40 percent of the world's population lives in malaria-risk areas.
BA Flight attendant are not required to get a Malaria shot? I find it hard to believe.

BA lies about men becoming woman so its not hard to believe that BA is lying about BA flight attendant dying from EBOLA:

The stewardess was working on long-haul flight from Heathrow to Accra on flight BA81 Fellow crew members say she showed signs of illness while in hotel in Ghana A major investigation is underway to find out how the stewardess contracted the disease. Source says 'it is devastating for her family and all who knew her. There is a huge concern about cabin and flight crew flying to Ghana after such a tragic incident.' 'We are hoping that all safety measures are now taken to make sure it does not happen again.' It is known that all BA crew who fly to Ghana are given anti-malaria tablets and are given medical advice on how to protect themselves from diseases when working abroad. BA refuses to discuss the tragedy on reasons of confidentiality. AirLive Read More>>>>>
Here is definition of Vengeance:
Vengeance: punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong.
Since most of you are retarded and still don't get it, here is a definition of God:
 God: the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being.
Let me explain further in language that some of you retards may understand  - the guy who created you is the same guy who  created the Heavens and Earth.

He is the same guy who demands that you do his will - his will in everything - little and great.

This guy did not leave you without a way to know who he is and what he demands - this guy created a religion - its called the Roman Catholic religion - this is the religion you should listen to in order to find out what this guy wants of you.

Now granted the man who runs the Roman Catholic Church is a complete and utter fool , you still must adhere to the Catholic Faith so as to please the guy who created you.

Couple of things  - this guy who created you is pissed - very pissed - this guy is pissed at you and yours so pissed in fact that this guy gave a retarded psychopath for a pope so as to throw some of you off. And of course this guy will punish the lot of you for disobeying him.

This is called the Vengeance of Heaven.

Get to know this Vengeance of Heaven - it'll be knocking on your front door really soon.....

Victim of Jesus nee MELANIE CALVAT, 
Shepherdess of La Salette
"I protest highly against a different text, which people may dare publish after my death. I protest once more against the very false statements of all those who dare say and write First that I embroidered the Secret; second, against those who state that the Queen Mother did not say to transmit the Secret to all her people." Melanie 

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Planned Parenthood: Cecile Richards' Official Video Response DEFENDS ROMAN CATHOLIC DR. DEBORAH NUCATOLA RIGHT TO SELL DEAD BABY BODY PARTS!'s not paying any of

The sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance

Q. 925. HOW many such sins are there?
A. Four.
Q. 926. What is the first of them?
A. Wilful murder, which is a voluntary and unjust taking away another’s life.
Q. 927. How show you the depravity of this sin?
A. Out of Gen. iv. 10. Where it is said to Cain “What hast thou done? the voice of the blood of thy brother crieth to me from the earth: now, therefore shalt thou be cursed upon the earth.” And Matt. xxvi 52, “All that take the sword, shall perish with the sword.”

This ain't no Ninive!

FULL FOOTAGE: Roman Catholic Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Of Planned Parenthood Uses Partial-Birth Abortions To Sell Baby Parts

Dr. Deborah Nucatola Of Planned Parenthood
Eating Lunch Discussing Fetus Body Parts........

The sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance
Q. 925. HOW many such sins are there?
A. Four.
Q. 926. What is the first of them?
A. Wilful murder, which is a voluntary and unjust taking away another’s life.
Q. 927. How show you the depravity of this sin?
A. Out of Gen. iv. 10. Where it is said to Cain “What hast thou done? the voice of the blood of thy brother crieth to me from the earth: now, therefore shalt thou be cursed upon the earth.” And Matt. xxvi 52, “All that take the sword, shall perish with the sword.”

This ain't no Ninive!

Svaha Company Creates Gender Neutral Clothing For Kids?



Q. 925. HOW many such sins are there?
A. Four.
Q. 928. What is the second?
A. The sin of Sodom, or carnal sin against nature, which is a voluntary shedding of the seed of nature, out of the due use of marriage, or lust with a different sex.
Q. 929. What is the scripture proof of this?
A. Out of Gen. xix. 13. where we read of the Sodomites, and their sin. “We will destroy this place because the cry of them hath increased before our Lord, who hath sent us to destroy them,” (and they were burnt with fire from heaven.)

Gender neutral clothing for kids? Who would have thought that such an open tolerant happy face company would help to bring down the vengeance of God upon us all?

Recent Bloomberg article

The End of Boys and Girls: These Companies Are Going to Change How Your Kids Dress

Ever since Jaya Iyer's daughter was a toddler, she had been fascinated by Saturn and its icy rings. When Swaha turned three, she had a space-themed birthday party. But when her mom went to find clothes with space images for Swaha, she couldn't find any. They were all in the boys section. So the 41-year-old mother of two, who has a doctorate in fashion merchandising, started her own business called Svaha (which is how her daughter's name is pronounced) to sell clothes that upend gender stereotypes. One shirt features a grinning green stegosaurus, the plates on its back adorned with polka dots. A second comes in a blazing pink hue, with an astronaut planting an American flag on the moon. That one should satisfy her daughter. "She was very upset with me for not ever buying her anything with astronauts on it," Iyer says. "Then she started telling me: 'I want a ninja on my shirt.'" Read More>>>>>

Svaha is the name of a Hindu goddess:

Svāhā is a minor goddess, and the wife of Agni. She was originally a nymph[citation needed] but became immortal after marrying Agni. In some versions, she is one of the many divine mothers of Kartikeya. She is also the mother of Aagneya (Aagneya) - the daughter of Agni. She is considered to be a daughter of Daksha. She is thought to preside over burnt offerings. Her body is said to consist of the four Vedas and her six limbs are the six Angas of the Vedas.It is said that the gods to whom offerings are being made through yagna refuse the offerings unless the word 'svaha' is uttered during the sacrifice. Wiki>>>>>>

Svaha website:

About Us
Svaha is named after the daughter of the company founder, Jaya, and it was created after she was unable to find a girls' astronaut shirt for her space-obsessed 3-year-old daughter. She realized there was a missed market for kids who like things that aren't gender traditional, so she teamed up with 2 other mothers in the apparel industry to create a line of products that will change the landscape of the children's apparel industry. The apparel & home goods products in the Svaha line are intended to break down gender stereotypes & teach kids that it's okay to like anything they want!

At Svaha we believe that children learn what they are ‘supposed’ to like from a very young age, and if the only options they have to choose from are gender traditional, we are inadvertently marketing gender stereotypes to our own children. Why do we decide pink is for girls and purple is not something that boys should wear? Why do we never see a girl firefighter on a girl’s t-shirt, when everyone knows just how cool firefighters are? We want to make a change! Help us start a revolution in children's apparel - one t-shirt at a time! Read More>>>>

Any time I see these parents giving their children a greater status then children deserve or going so far as to worshipping their children, I always think upon this from Ecclesiasticus
Give thy son his way, and he shall make thee afraid: play with him, and he shall make thee sorrowful.
This ain't no Ninive....

And the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrha brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. And he destroyed these cities, and all the country about, all the inhabitants of the cities, and all things that spring from the earth. Gn

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Gawker Pulls Condé Nast CFO-Escort Story: Pro Sodomites At Condé Nast Are Embarrassed About CFO David Geithner Sodomy Practices? I Thought Sodomy Was Cool?

Pretty Sodomite


Q. 925. HOW many such sins are there?
A. Four.
Q. 928. What is the second?
A. The sin of Sodom, or carnal sin against nature, which is a voluntary shedding of the seed of nature, out of the due use of marriage, or lust with a different sex.
Q. 929. What is the scripture proof of this?
A. Out of Gen. xix. 13. where we read of the Sodomites, and their sin. “We will destroy this place because the cry of them hath increased before our Lord, who hath sent us to destroy them,” (and they were burnt with fire from heaven.)

Pro-Sodomite Condé Nast owns the following Pro-Sodomite electronic publications:

Architectural Digest,
Ars Technica,
Bon Appétit,
Condé Nast Traveler,
Glamour, Golf Digest,
Golf World,
The New Yorker,
Teen Vogue,
Vanity Fair,

Gwaker lost its balls and pulled out:

Gawker Pulls Condé Nast CFO-Escort Story: "It Is a Decision I Regret"

When will all the cool people who are running this shit show regret their obsessive promotion of the Sodomite life style?


It will be too late for the lot of them!

The only good thing about living in this perverted day and age is that I will not be disapointed like Jonah was sitting outside the city of Ninive waiting for God to destroy it. No I will not be disapointed.

I also have no sympathy for anyone who embraces the Sodomite life style, or who supports those who engage in Sodomy, simply because these horrible perverts are bringing down upon us all the wrath of God.

Go ahead and laugh at the wrath of God.

I will have the last laugh.

Funny how those sick and perverted men in the city of Sodom never saw it coming.

That's the great thing about being a Roman Catholic in this day and age, I can create this blog and no one will take it serious. LOL!

You all are in for shit storm far greater than what took place at Sodom and Gomorrah - remember morons - the fire that destroyed those cities lasted but a few moments before everything was destroyed - kinda like a nuclear explosion.

This time around the chastisements are gonna last for over 35 years! Who says so? Get this  - the Blessed Mother of God, Mary Most Holy - still laughing? The Mother of God said this at La Salette Francis in 1846. Go ahead and laugh and ignore Her message.

Here come da pain!

None of you perverts will do penance for your sins - none of you care, because none of you believe in the Blessed Trinity, and none of you practice the Catholic Faith.

Again, the Prophet Jonah will not be disappointed this time around.

This ain't no Ninive....

And the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrha brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. And he destroyed these cities, and all the country about, all the inhabitants of the cities, and all things that spring from the earth. Gn

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Tranny Pilot Sergeant Shane Ortega Used To Be A Woman But Now Is A Man? Still Has No Balls....

This Is A Female


Q. 925. HOW many such sins are there?
A. Four.
Q. 928. What is the second?
A. The sin of Sodom, or carnal sin against nature, which is a voluntary shedding of the seed of nature, out of the due use of marriage, or lust with a different sex.
Q. 929. What is the scripture proof of this?
A. Out of Gen. xix. 13. where we read of the Sodomites, and their sin. “We will destroy this place because the cry of them hath increased before our Lord, who hath sent us to destroy them,” (and they were burnt with fire from heaven.)

A transgender military pilot has been forced to wear a female uniform despite living as a man for five years and having huge biceps from body building. Sergeant Shane Ortega lives openly as a transgender man but under current rules, must be addressed as a female officer and wear a female crew uniform. But only the largest size of uniform fits 28-year-old Sergeant Ortega as his love of bodybuilding means he has large biceps and neck. Daily Mail Read More>>>>

This ain't no Ninive....

And the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrha brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. And he destroyed these cities, and all the country about, all the inhabitants of the cities, and all things that spring from the earth. Gn

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Failed CEO Antony Jenkins Will Leave Barclays Bank With $50 Million

Q. 925. HOW many such sins are there?
A. Four.
Q. 930. What is the third?
A. Oppressing of the poor, which is a cruel, tyrannical, and unjust dealing with inferiors.
Q. 931. What other proof have you of that?
A. Out of Exod. xxii. 21. “Ye shall not hurt the widow and the fatherless: If you do hurt them, they will cry unto me, and I will hear them cry, and my fury shall take indignation, and I will strike thee with the sword.” And out of Isa. x. 1, 2. “Wo to them that make unjust laws, that they might oppress the poor in judgment, and do violence to the cause of the humble of my people.”
Q. 932. What is the fourth?
A. To defraud working men of their wages, which is to lessen, or detain it from them.
Q. 933. What proof have you of it?
A. Out of Eccl. xxxiv. 37. “He that sheddeth blood and he that defraudeth the hired man, are brethren,” and out of James v. 4. “Behold the hire of the workmen that have reaped your fields, which is defrauded by you, crieth, and their cry hath entered into the ears of the Lord God of Sabbath.” Took place in Italy both look like immigrants from the middle east

Sacked Barclays chief executive Antony Jenkins will walk away with about £28million in cash and shares despite failing to turn around the troubled bank. Mr Jenkins was fired by chairman John McFarlane – a gruff Scottish banker nicknamed Mac the Knife for his take-no-prisoners attitude – after losing the confidence of the bank’s board. But the ousted boss' payout includes a £2.4million 'golden goodbye', £15million in shares and nearly £11million in bonuses, it was reported. The £2.4million cash sum includes his £1.1million annual salary, £950,000 allowance and £363,000 pension contribution, the Sunday Times reported Daily Mail Read More>>>>

This ain't no Ninive....

And the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrha brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. And he destroyed these cities, and all the country about, all the inhabitants of the cities, and all things that spring from the earth. Gn

Will You Be Running When Love Finally Wins........#lovewins.......


Q. 925. HOW many such sins are there?
A. Four.
Q. 928. What is the second?
A. The sin of Sodom, or carnal sin against nature, which is a voluntary shedding of the seed of nature, out of the due use of marriage, or lust with a different sex.
Q. 929. What is the scripture proof of this?
A. Out of Gen. xix. 13. where we read of the Sodomites, and their sin. “We will destroy this place because the cry of them hath increased before our Lord, who hath sent us to destroy them,” (and they were burnt with fire from heaven.)

Girl Interns running to tell everyone of the Supreme Court Sodomy ruling.

Please excuse me now for what you will deem poor taste in me, when I will post #lovewins on every post of the coming natural disasters here in the Sodomy USA in the next few hours, days, weeks, & months...

For instance:

Hurricane hits east coast thousand feared dead...#lovewins......

Earthquake on the west cost tens of thousands feared dead....#lovewins....

and so on...

don't say I didn't live up to my name....

This ain't no Ninive....

And the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrha brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. And he destroyed these cities, and all the country about, all the inhabitants of the cities, and all things that spring from the earth. Gn

MARRY ME!!!!! love wins today #gaymarriage #lovewins.....


Q. 925. HOW many such sins are there?
A. Four.
Q. 928. What is the second?
A. The sin of Sodom, or carnal sin against nature, which is a voluntary shedding of the seed of nature, out of the due use of marriage, or lust with a different sex.
Q. 929. What is the scripture proof of this?
A. Out of Gen. xix. 13. where we read of the Sodomites, and their sin. “We will destroy this place because the cry of them hath increased before our Lord, who hath sent us to destroy them,” (and they were burnt with fire from heaven.)

MARRY ME!!!!! love wins today #gaymarriage

This ain't no Ninive....

And the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrha brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. And he destroyed these cities, and all the country about, all the inhabitants of the cities, and all things that spring from the earth. Gn

America Embraces Sodomy #lovewins.....


Q. 925. HOW many such sins are there?
A. Four.
Q. 928. What is the second?
A. The sin of Sodom, or carnal sin against nature, which is a voluntary shedding of the seed of nature, out of the due use of marriage, or lust with a different sex.
Q. 929. What is the scripture proof of this?
A. Out of Gen. xix. 13. where we read of the Sodomites, and their sin. “We will destroy this place because the cry of them hath increased before our Lord, who hath sent us to destroy them,” (and they were burnt with fire from heaven.)

Here's to love! Now isn't an inclusive America more fun? Gay marriage is now legal in every state and for all Americans. #lovewins

This ain't no Ninive....

And the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrha brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. And he destroyed these cities, and all the country about, all the inhabitants of the cities, and all things that spring from the earth. Gn

Saturday, July 11, 2015


I saw a star fall from heaven upon the earth, and there was given to him the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit: and the smoke of the pit arose, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke of the pit. And from the smoke of the pit there came out locusts upon the earth. And power was given to them, as the scorpions of the earth have power: And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, nor any green thing, nor any tree: but only the men who have not the sign of God on their foreheads. And it was given unto them that they should not kill them; but that they should torment them five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion when he striketh a man.And in those days men shall seek death, and shall not find it: and they shall desire to die, and death shall fly from them. And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle: and on their heads were, as it were, crowns like gold: and their faces were as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women; and their teeth were as lions: And they had breastplates as breastplates of iron, and the noise of their wings was as the noise of chariots and many horses running to battle. And they had tails like to scorpions, and there were stings in their tails; and their power was to hurt men five months. And they had over them. Apoc.9


Q. 925. HOW many such sins are there?
A. Four.
Q. 928. What is the second?
A. The sin of Sodom, or carnal sin against nature, which is a voluntary shedding of the seed of nature, out of the due use of marriage, or lust with a different sex.
Q. 929. What is the scripture proof of this?
A. Out of Gen. xix. 13. where we read of the Sodomites, and their sin. “We will destroy this place because the cry of them hath increased before our Lord, who hath sent us to destroy them,” (and they were burnt with fire from heaven.)

This ain't no Ninive....

And the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrha brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. And he destroyed these cities, and all the country about, all the inhabitants of the cities, and all things that spring from the earth. Gn

LOL! Catholic Vote Blog Has Gone Queer! "Catholics Harbor Hate, Fear, And Disgust For Anyone Who Has Same Sex Attraction"


Q. 925. HOW many such sins are there?
A. Four.
Q. 928. What is the second?
A. The sin of Sodom, or carnal sin against nature, which is a voluntary shedding of the seed of nature, out of the due use of marriage, or lust with a different sex.
Q. 929. What is the scripture proof of this?
A. Out of Gen. xix. 13. where we read of the Sodomites, and their sin. “We will destroy this place because the cry of them hath increased before our Lord, who hath sent us to destroy them,” (and they were burnt with fire from heaven.)

Not surprising the shills for modern democracy at Catholic Vote have gone Queer.  I would not be surprised to find out that the author of the Pro-Sodomy piece was an ex-homo Jew convert.

This is what you get from new mass goers infected with Vatican II nonsense.

Here is the complete article:
The recent Supreme Court decision, Obergefell v. Hodges, has sparked widespread debate on social media, blogs, television, and many other mediums and in turn has highlighted how Catholics have become complacent in charity. For the Catholic who follows Church teaching and thus does not support same sex marriage, this means hearing or reading a multitude of pieces in which he is portrayed as hypocritical or worse. 
They are not mistaken. Many Catholics are hypocritical. 
Hypocrite. The word reverberates on facebook walls as well as from the mouths of LGBT proponents. To call someone a hypocrite, one who acts in ways contradictory to his standards, is quite an insult, especially for people of faith. 
Some Catholics, as well as many other Christians, are truly hypocrites. They harbor hate, fear, and disgust for anyone who has same sex attraction. Others do not treat them with the dignity they deserve as humans. Anyone called a hypocrite is thus named because they are not perceived to practice the love and charity which their faith asks of them. If they are not practicing love and charity, these people are not living out their Catholic faith. 
The Catholic Church is beneficial for society not solely because of faith, but also because of the message of love and charity which Catholics are called to act upon. 
Practicing Catholics, whose views on marriage are becoming unpopular, must re-assert their prominence in charity, in humanitarian efforts, in peace promotion, and in faith in order to be accepted and respected in society. They must reinforce their support and love of all who do have same sex attraction, especially those who are practicing Catholics as well as all people who are oppressed. 
Catholics have taken to the internet to defend their definition of marriage, which they consider to be the basis of family and the fabric of society. Much of this is done with the best intentions. But it is not enough for a Catholic to write alarmist blogs and to post passive-aggressive, politically charged graphics on their facebook walls. 
The LGBT community often takes offense at what Catholics have to say, regardless of the merit of the discussion, partially, perhaps, because they have been the subject of hate crimes for centuries. Hate crimes can and should make any community suspicious of any argument put forward by their oppressor. In the present day, the Roman Catholic Church is one of the few establishments that does not support same sex marriage, and are thus identified as the oppressor. 
For this perceived oppression, the LGBT community and much of the world has lost respect for Christianity. The best way to win back respect from the rest of America is to truly act like people of God. 
American Catholic culture in the United States is one that has a rich history of saints who sacrificed their wealth, their health, and in some instances, their lives to help those who were spiritually and physically downtrodden, be it Native Americans, African Americans, immigrants, refugees, or Hawaiian lepers. Indeed, today, many Catholics are still continuing several of these missions. 
But now, Catholicism is viewed as hateful, bigoted, and judgemental. There are Catholics in some circles who are not charitable to their neighbors with differing views or lifestyles. For this reason, this culture, which does so much good, must turn from complacency and give way to a more authentic Catholic culture. Catholic culture must reinvigorate her respect and love for all, especially the downtrodden of our society. Catholics must accept that people will disagree with them and respond that, while neither the Church nor Her people will ever change their beliefs, they love all and will continue to treat all people with charity. 
With the recent deaths of Sister Nirmala Joshi, and Sir Nicholas George Winton, Catholics and all people of good will now have two more inspiring stories of people who devoted their lives heroically for the well-being of people who are downtrodden. Sister Nirmala, Mother Teresa’s successor as Superior of the Missionaries of Charity, expanded the charitable organization to reach far beyond India. Sir Winton, who was not Catholic, found host families in Britain and Sweden for at least 669 young Jewish Czechoslovakian children during the second World War. 
The world is not at peace, there is not widespread equality among men, and human rights are being trampled upon. At this critical time in American political history and geopolitical stress, Catholics should follow more fully their highest call-the call to be saints. 
Times are changing. Now is the time to be witnesses to Christ, to become great and avoid the temptations of complacency.
So according to Catholic Vote Blog Sodomy no longer threaten by God's Vengeance.

How easy will it be for Pope Francis & his wicked henchmen to change Catholic Morals and doctrine at the upcoming Synod

This ain't no Ninive....

And the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrha brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. And he destroyed these cities, and all the country about, all the inhabitants of the cities, and all things that spring from the earth. Gn