Sunday, December 30, 2018

KTLA Anchor Chris Burrous Dies Of Drug Overdose During GAY Hookup At Glendale Days Inn....

Male friend?

Middle of the day?

In the New York papers, where we’re awake, the Post and the Daily News acknowledge in their headlines that Burrous was found dead at a motel from a possible drug overdose. A “male friend” called in that someone was unresponsive.

Huh? What the heck was Chris Burrous doing at a Days Inn Motel in Glendale (a suburb, and far from his office at KTLA) in the middle of the afternoon? Who was the male friend? And why isn’t the LA media questioning the overdose? Did Burrous have a drug problem?

Burrous was also far from his own home, in leafy Northridge. His 1,660 ranch house was bought in 2012 for $370,000. It was a far cry from the $100 rooms at the Days Inn. Source

Glendale Police Investigate the Death of Man

Post Date:12/27/2018 10:14 PM
Sgt. Dan Suttles, Media Contact
818-548-3140 (office)
818-484-1089 (cell)

On December 27, 2018, at 1:14 p.m. the Glendale Police Department received a call from a male that said that an individual he was with had passed out and was possibly not breathing. The caller indicated he was at the Days Inn in Glendale.

The Glendale Fire Department responded to the scene and found a man down inside a room suffering from a medical emergency. The man was not breathing and CPR was administered as paramedics prepared to transport him to the hospital. The man was later pronounced dead at the hospital.

The deceased has been identified as Chris Burrous, a 43-year old man from Porter Ranch.

The original call to the Glendale Police Department indicated the deceased had possibly overdosed. Glendale detectives are currently investigating the case and are thoroughly examining the unfortunate circumstances surrounding his death. Detectives will be awaiting the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office report for a determination of the cause of death and to assist in bringing the investigation to a conclusion. Source

Malware Attack Struck The Los Angeles Times And Tribune Publishing On Friday

LA Times, Tribune Publishing Hit by Cyberattack Disrupting Paper Delivery

A malware attack struck the Los Angeles Times and Tribune Publishing on Friday, disrupting the distribution of the Saturday edition of papers across the country. Tribune Publishing first detected the "malware" in its computer systems on Friday that "impacted some back-office systems which are primarily used to publish and produce newspapers across our properties," a rep for Tribune Publishing told TheWrap Sunday. Tribune promptly secured the environment and created "workarounds to ensure we could print our newspapers," the spokesperson continued, adding that there was "no evidence that customer credit card information or personally identifiable information has been compromised." The company has brought in "external expert resources" to contain the malware and "remediate any lingering issues." Websites and mobile applications however, have not been impacted. Source

Saturday, December 29, 2018

TRUMP VERSUS DIVINE PROVIDENCE: Trump Lets Another Saudi Killer Go Free....Abdulrahman Semeer Noorah, 21, Flees To Saudi Arabia On Private Jet Owned By Prince Mohammed bin Salman

Donald does not pay attention

Divine Providence WILL punish both MBS and Trump...

Senator urges Trump take to action against Saudi Arabia after they 'helped a student, 21, on $1M bail flee the US on a PRIVATE JET' weeks before he was set to stand trial for the murder of a 15-year-old Oregon girl

An Oregon senator demanded to know on Friday what President Trump's administration is planning to do about the United States' relationship with Saudi Arabia after it emerged the country may have helped one of their citizens flee a week before his trial. Ron Wyden said in a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the acting attorney general, Matthew Whitaker, Friday that the new theory from authorities Abdulrahman Semeer Noorah, 21, used an illicit passport to jet home on a private jet provided by the Saudi consulate should be reason to push forward with action. Noorah is believed to have taken off in June 2017, 10 months after mowing down and killing Fallon Smart, 15, in Portland, and more than a year before the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia denied knowing anything about the murder of a dissident journalist - to the disbelief of many. Source

VIDEO: Xhale City Vape Shop Employee Has Massive Meltdown Over Customer in Trump Shirt and Hat

Friday, December 28, 2018

KTLA Anchor Chris Burrous Commits SUICIDE In Glendale Days Inn....

KTLA Anchor Chris Burrous’ Death Investigated as Possible Overdose: Glendale Police

The death of KTLA Morning News reporter and weekend anchor Chris Burrous is being investigated as a possible overdose, police said Thursday. Burrous was found unresponsive at a Days Inn in Glendale after a male he was with called authorities around 1:15 p.m. to report he had passed out and was possibly not breathing, Glendale Police Sgt. Dan Suttles said in a news briefing. Paramedics who responded to the hotel, at 450 Pioneer Drive, located Burrous inside a room suffering from a medical emergency. The person he was with, who Suttles said “appears to be a friend,” was already administering aid when they arrived, the sergeant said. Suttles said those on scene recognized the news anchor “right away, because everybody knows Chris.” The male stayed at the scene and “quite honestly did a good job of trying to render aid,” according to Suttles. First responders also administered CPR before transporting Burrous to a hospital, where he was later pronounced dead, officials said. When the companion originally called police, he indicated Burrous had possibly overdosed, Suttles said. “What we know at this point is that the call came in as a medical emergency, and that’s how it was handled,” he said. There was no indication of suicide, he added. Source

Thursday, December 27, 2018

SODOMITES American Bitcoin Trader Troy Woody Jr And MUSLIM Mir Islam Strangles Woody's Girlfriend Tomi Michelle Masters To Death Over Argument Returning to Indiana

American Bitcoin trader 'strangles his girlfriend to death in the Philippines and dumps her naked body in a river'

A well-known American Bitcoin trader has been arrested after allegedly murdering his girlfriend with a friend then dumping her naked body in a river. Troy Woody Jr., 21,- who has 250,000 followers - had been living with partner Tomi Michelle Masters, 23, and mutual friend Mir Islam, 22, in the Philippines. But friends said the couple fell out earlier this month and Tomi made a desperate plea to return home to Indiana.Troy and Mir Islam later allegedly suffocated the graduate then wrapped her naked body in duct tape before stuffing it into a brown box. The pair - who boast online about taking cocaine and spending vast sums on luxury goods - ordered a Grab taxi on a phone app then hurled the box into the Pasig River in Manila, Philippines, on December 23 in the early hours of the morning at 2.40am. Both men returned to the taxi and continued to their destination, a large shopping mall called Robinsons Place. Source

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

MEDITATION ON The Nativity Of Our Savior Christ: Of The Birth Of Our Savior Christ In A Stable In Bethlehem POINT III ~ Luis de la Puente

THE XVII.  MEDITATION  Of The Birth Of Our Savior Christ In A Stable In Bethlehem


The third, and principal point is, to consider the marvelous greatness of that divine child, laid in the manger. Pondering the dignity of his person; the words that he spake in his heart; the works that he did; and the things that he suffered: and for whom; and how: and the heroic virtues that he there did exercise. All this I am to ponder, as the most sacred Virgin did ponder it, in this form.

1. First, I will behold the person of that child, making a comparison between what he is, as he is almighty God, and between what he is there, as he is man; with an affection of admiration, and love the greatest that I am able: pondering how this child is that God of majesty, whose seat id heaven, whose throw are the Cherubins, and whose servants the Hierarchies of Angels are, being in the maddest of them, as an Emperor, whom all do adore, and to whom all acknowledge subjection. And on the other side, he is laid in, a manger in the maddest between two dull and lumpish beasts: And he that is the word of the eternal Father, by whom he created all things, and who sustaineth them with his power, is become a child not yet able to speak, his hands and feet being swathed , and he not able to stir. And he whose vesture is the infinite light of the Deity, being the brightness of the glory of his Father: he who clothe his creatures with beauty, and with a liberal hand giveth them sustenance for the conservation of their life: he, even he, is wrapped up in poor mantles, and rags, and hath need to be sustained with the milk of his mother.


O most excellent, and most humbled babe, and in all venerable, and amiable in all: yet, quango pro me vilior, tango mini carrier, the more thou art despised for me, the more worthy thou art to be loved: and the more thou art humbled, the more to be exalted: for in thy humiliations, thou demostratest the greatness of thy incomprehensible charity. O that I could love thee, as thou deservest: o that I could debase, and humble myself, as I deserve to be: for to debase me with myself, were to magnify me with thee. How is it (o my soul) that thou art not confounded to see this person so great, and yet so humbled: and to see thy own person so vile, and yet so proud! Learn of this Child to humble thyself: for he that with him shall humble himself on earth, shall by him be magnified, and exalted in heaven.

2. Secondly, I will ponder the words this child might speak, not with the tongue, but with the spirit: not with voice, but with examples. To his eternal Father, he might speak, giving him thanks; because that hour has come, and that it was his pleasure to have him laid in that manger, offering unto him with great love all the afflictions that he was to suffer in the world, and again saying unto him, that which the Apostle pondereth he might say in entering into the world, he added: Behold me here (o Lord) I am come to accomplish thy will. To men he spake likewise, and cried out totem with his examples, speaking that from the manger, which he afterwards spake while he preached: Learn of me, for I am meek, and humble of heart: and unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into he kingdom of heaven: and whosoever shall humble himself as this child, he shall be greater in the kingdom of heaven. These, & other like words he is there preaching by his example,which I am to hearken unto with great devotion, beseeching him to open the ears of my heart, that I may understand this language, and put it in practice.


O sovereign child, that even from this manger art inviting me to become a child, and wast always so great a lover of little children, that thiu didst lovingly embrace them: make me like thee, a child in innocency, a little one in humility, an infant in silence, and tender in charity. In these four things consisteth the making ourselves children, to become great in the eyes of almighty God.

3.Then will I contemplate the works that he doth: wherein there is one marvelous thing to consider: for being a man as perfect in judgment as when he was thirty years old, he did all the actions, gestures, and semblances of a child, not counterfeited, nor gained, but really, and truly, as other children do, with an admirable harmony, for him that knoweth how to ponder the connection of these two things together. In particular I will now ponder that weeping of the child, and the cause of his tears: he weepeth not so much for grief of what he suffereth (as other children do) as for that which we suffer by our sins, lovingly be wailing them; and with those tears joining interiorly most zealous prayers to the eternal Father, doing that St. Paul said of him: That in the days of his flesh, he offered prayers, and supplications to god with great clamor, and tears. And it is to be believed, that the blessed Virgin wept, seeing her Son weep, & considering the causes wherefore he wept.


O sweet JESUS, why laments thou so bitterly my miseries, forgetful of thine now! O my soul why weepst thou not, seeing this child weep, that so wept for thee? Weep thou for compassion to see him weep: weep because thou art the cause of his weeping, and weep for thy sins that afflict his heart: and if this make thee not weep, then weep because thou art so hard hearted that thou canst not weep, having so much reason to shed abundance of tears. O most sacred Virgin, obtain for me the gift of tears, if it be but to accompany thee with them, to comfort thy Son, who is comforted to see us weep, and said:

Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. 

4. Lastly, I will contemplate what things this child suffereth: which are, poverty, contempt, cold, and dolor, with other incommodities, all which he suffereth not forcible, nor of necessity but willingly, and pleasingly: for as he is God, and man perfect in judgment, he taketh choice of all that he suffereth. He chose to be born in the most rigorous time of the winter, in the coldest hour of midnight; in the most vile, and contemptible stable of all the city; with the greatest property, contempt, and forgetfulness of men that was possible: and all with such a mask of humility, that being voluntary, it seemed forced, and consequently most vile, and contemptible. Finally, from the manger (as he himself saith in one of the Psalms) he took forces inseparable companions even until death, poverty, contempt, dolours, and afflictions, electing such a manner of life contrary to that of the world, to discover by his example the deceits, and errors of wordings that follow the same. For as St. Bernard sayeth: It is a matter very evident that the world erreth, choosing for his companions, riches, honors, and delicacies, when as Christ the infinite wisdom, who can neither deceive himself, nor beguile us, chooseth the contrary. With this consideration, I am to confound myself in the presence of this most blessed babe, seeing how contrarily I have lived to that, which he teacheth, purposing to imitate him from hence forward, choosing to suffer what he suffereth, and beseeching him to make worthy to suffer with him, and like him, not of necessity, but gladly, & willingly for his love.


O sovereign child, who like another David, art the wisest prince among three: for of the three divine persons thou art the second, to whom wisdom is attributed: what doest thou seated here in this chair of the manger, being silent, without speaking unto us? thou art the most tender little worm of the wood, that violently killest eight hundred: for with the contempt, and humiliation that thou hast in the worm-eaten wood of thy poor harbor, thou killest with the violence of thy divine love, the innumerable violences of the love of the world. O most wise, and most valiant prince which silently instructs, and silently killest, teach me to follow with silence thy contempts, and kill in my heart worldly affections, that making myself a worm in imitation of thee, I may merit to ascend to behold thee in the throne of thy glory, Amen.

Luis de la Puente 

MEDITATION ON The Nativity Of Our Savior Christ: Of The Birth Of Our Savior Christ In A Stable In Bethlehem POINT II ~ Luis de la Puente


MEDITATION  Of The Birth Of Our Savior Christ In A Stable In Bethlehem


1. Secondly, I am to consider what the blessed Virgin did, when by those jubilees she knew that the hour of her delivery was come, pondering her affections, her actions, and her words. For recollecting herself in a corner of the stable, and settled in a very high contemplation, she brought forth her only begotten Son, and forth she took him in her arms. O what content, and joy received she at that first view, not staying upon the outward beauty of the body, but passing to the beauty of the soul, and of the Deity! On the one side she embraced him and kissed him lovingly as her Son: and on the other side she shrunk back, and humbly retired, considering that he was almighty God: for with these two arms God desert to be embraced; with charity, and humility; with love, and reverence: and the like am I to do spiritually, taking him as it were in my arms, loving him, and reverencing him, approaching to him with love, and retiring myself with humility.

2.This done the Virgin swathed her Son in such swathing clothes, and mantles as she had prepared, and with an affection of humility she laid him in a manger, esteeming herself unworthily to hold him in her arms: and falling on her knees she adored him as her God, and her Lord, and very lovingly she spake unto him, for she was assured that he understood her. She humbly thanked him for the great favors he had done to mankind, coming to redeem him. She likewise gave him thanks for having taken her for his mother, without any merits of hers: and there she offered to serve him with body, and soul, and with all her forces, employing them all in his holy service: And all this she uttered with such loving words, and tender affections, as they are rather to be imagined then possible to be explicated. The like did St. Joseph, adoring the child, humbly thanking him for taking him for his foster father, acknowledging it for a great favor, and offering himself truly, and really to serve him. The like am I to do, accompanying these Saints in hearty thankfulness, offering unto him my body, and soul, and all my faculties.

O most sweet, and most sovereign Lord, what thanks may I give thee, for this great favor thou hast done me, in coming to redeem me, as a child and in so extreme poverty? O that I might have been present at that time to serve thee in thine infancy! I here present myself in spirit before thy divine majesty, and I offer unto thee all that I am, or may be able to be, to employees it wholly, in thy service: accept (o Lord) this my good will, and give me thy grace to effect it, Amen.

Luis de la Puente 


GIOTTO di Bondone 
No. 17 Scenes from the Life of Christ: 1. Nativity: Birth of Christ (detail) 

And it came to pass, that when they were there, her days were accomplished, that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him up in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds watching, and keeping the night watches over their flock. And behold an angel of the Lord stood by them, and the brightness of God shone round about them; and they feared with a great fear. And the angel said to them: Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, that shall be to all the people:For, this day, is born to you a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, in the city of David. And this shall be a sign unto you. You shall find the infant wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly army, praising God, and saying: Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace to men of good will. And it came to pass, after the angels departed from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another: Let us go over to Bethlehem, and let us see this word that is come to pass, which the Lord hath shewed to us. And they came with haste; and they found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger. And seeing, they understood of the word that had been spoken to them concerning this child. And all that heard, wondered; and at those things that were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these words, pondering them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God, for all the things they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them. Lk.

From all of us at dxv515, we wish you a Merry, blessed, and grace-filled Christmas and God’s abundant blessings in the new year!

Monday, December 24, 2018

Congrats To OUTRAGED Rad Trads! Brooklyn Catholic Priest Fr. Patrick Burns, 57, Commits Suicide Over Allegations Days Before Christmas

Merry Christmas to all you pissed off Rad Trads!

Another dead priest to add to your outraged collection:

Tragedy as Catholic priest who was suffering from health problems kills himself inside a Brooklyn church rectory just days before Christmas

A Brooklyn priest killed himself inside a church rectory just two weeks before Christmas and was discovered after his pastor requested a wellness check, it has been revealed. The body of Patrick Burns, 57, was discovered on December 14 in living room of the rectory at the Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic Church in Windsor Terrace. A 16-page suicide note was also found in the property following the check which was requested by pastor Father Larry Ryan, sources said. A Diocese of Brooklyn spokeswoman described the death as a 'tragedy'. The church’s music director, Ivonne Rojas, told the New York Post that she was 'shocked and amazed' by the news.  Burns had reportedly struggled with health issues and spent time away from the church on medical leave, according to The Tablet magazine.  He was ordained in 1992 and had previously served in Bushwick, Jackson Heights, Sunset Park and Corona.  According to the magazine's obituary the priest attended the Good Shepherd School in Marine Park and later Sheepshead Bay High School.   Source

Friday, December 21, 2018

Ginsburg DEATH WATCH.....

Ruth Bader Ginsburg has TWO cancerous growths removed from her lungs after being treated for broken ribs

Ruth Bader Ginsburg had two cancerous growths removed from her lower left lung Friday, the Supreme Court has announced. The associate justice, 85, had the growths removed after they were discovered by a CT scan when she cracked three ribs in a fall in her office last month. The court said that there are no remaining signs of cancer in her body after the treatment, at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. She remains in hospital where she is 'recovering comfortably' and will do so for a few days, the court said. Source

Alabama Cops Using Social Media To Blame Satan For Spike In Homicides...


Thursday, December 20, 2018

MOROCCO DOOM FULFILLED! MUSLIMS Decapitate Two Scandinavian Women!

Morocco DOOM has arrived:

'It's Allah's will': Fanatics branded two Scandinavian women the 'enemies of God' as they filmed themselves decapitating one of the tourists in Morocco – 'and posted video pledging allegiance to ISIS'

Suspected ISIS terrorists branded two Scandinavian women the 'enemies of God' as they filmed themselves decapitating one of the tourists in Morocco. Maren Ueland, 28, from Norway, and Louisa Vesterager Jespersen, 24, from Denmark, were found dead near the village of Imlil in Morocco's High Atlas mountains on Monday. A video showing the murder of one of the women has been recognised as genuine, Danish intelligence service said today adding that the killings can be connected to ISIS. Men in the gruesome clip can be heard shouting 'it's Allah's will' while there are claims that the words 'this is for Syria' were used, in an apparent reference to Western bombing missions in the war-torn country. Source

DC DOOM! Mayor Of Alaska Town, Monica Adams Carlson, 61, Hit By TOUR BUS In DC....

WASHINGTON — The mayor of an Alaska town and her mother, who were in D.C. for a tour of the White House, were struck and killed by a tour bus Wednesday night. Skagway, Alaska, native and Mayor Monica Adams Carlson, 61, and 85-year-old Cora Louise Adams of Elbe, Washington, were in the crosswalk on the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and 7th Street Northwest when they were struck by a 2013 Prevost H3 passenger bus shortly after 9:30 p.m. D.C. police said they believe the bus was traveling northbound on 7th Street Northwest and made a left turn onto Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest when it struck the mother and daughter. The women were taken to a hospital with life-threatening injuries where they died. Police have not identified the driver of the tour bus or if charges against the driver would be filed. Carlson and her mother were in D.C. for a tour of the White House, set up through Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Ala., according to Steve Hites, president of Skagway Street Car Tour, where Carlson also worked. Source

TULSA: Walgreens Employee Fatally Shoots William Hurley, 52, After Photos Dispute At Walgreens On The Corners Of 71st & Lewis

Walgreens employee fatally shoots man after photos dispute

TULSA, Okla. (AP) - Tulsa police say a Walgreens employee with a concealed-carry license fatally shot an armed man after an argument that began at the photo counter. Tulsa Police Sgt. Brandon Watkins says the person who died Wednesday was a 52-year-old man. He says the man pulled a gun, jumped behind the photo counter to take photos from a clerk and then climbed back over the counter. Watkins says that while other employees tried to call police, a 28-year-old Walgreens employee shot and killed the man. That employee wasn't injured, and police say he hasn't been arrested. Another Walgreens employee and customer were struck by gunfire and hospitalized. Watkins says both are expected to survive. Walgreens said in a statement that it's cooperating with the investigation into the shooting . Source

Monday, December 17, 2018

Proof That Sacrilegious Communion Is Punished! Priest Fr. Don LaCuesta Condemns The Suicide Of Maurice Hullibarger, 18, During Funeral Sermon! Family Complains...

"Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a man examine himself, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For any one who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself."

Another Sacrilegious Communion....

Another suicide....

No Catholic alive today takes the DIVINE Threat seriously.

No Priest

No Bishop

No layman.

Certainly not the Pope.

You will be punished if you receive communion in a state of Mortal Sin.

It is only a matter of time before you are punished.

Here read about a typical Catholic Family made up of a bunch of BAD Catholics who deny the neceessity of the Sacraments and who do not practice the Faith as they should:

'Father, please stop': Grieving Michigan family are left distraught when priest uses teen's funeral to condemn his suicide and tell mourners how the young man 'might not get to heaven' 

A family whose son died from suicide expressed outrage after a priest suggested he might not get into heaven and 'called him a sinner' at his funeral, according to the boy's family. Maison Hullibarger, an 18-year-old from Temperance, Michigan, died on December 4 after taking his own life. Hullibarger’s grieving family said Reverend Don LaCuesta would not stop bringing up his cause of death during the teenager’s funeral on December 8, the Detroit Free Press reports.'It was his time to tell everybody what he thought of suicide, (and) we couldn’t believe what he was saying'  said Jeff Hullibarger, Maison’s father, according to the Free Press.   'He was up there condemning our son. He wondered if he had repented enough to make it to heaven. He said suicide upwards of six times'.    'There were actually a couple of younger boys who were Maison's age who left the church sobbing,' Hullibarger said. Source


Michigan couple: Priest, 'bully' coach ruined our son's funeral 

They lost a teenage son to suicide, then sought compassion from their priest. Yet, at the packed funeral on Dec. 8, the Rev. Don LaCuesta delivered words so hurtful that Catholic officials in Detroit apologized in a statement emailed to the Free Press. Not good enough, the youth's parents said. They want their parish priest removed from his post in Monroe County, south of Detroit. [If you or someone you know needs help, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 24 hours a day at 800-273-8255.] "Everybody seems to understand but the Catholic Church," said Jeff Hullibarger, father of 18-year-old Maison, a straight-A student and outstanding athlete who ended his own life on Dec. 4. The priest told mourners at the funeral that the youth might be blocked from heaven because of how he died, the couple said. Source

As was said before there be more deaths because of increased Sacrilegious communions due to Bad Catholics and  non-Catholics receiving communion.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Antarctica DOOM! Two US Technicians Are Killed At McMurdo Station

Mystery as two US technicians are killed at McMurdo Station, a remote Antarctic scientific base

The two who had been working on a fire-suppression system were found unconscious after a helicopter pilot spotted smoke coming from a building Two technicians performing maintenance at a US research station in Antarctica died on Wednesday while working on a building that houses a generator for a nearby radio transmitter, the National Science Foundation (NSF) said. The pair, both employed as subcontractors at the NSF-managed McMurdo Station in Antarctica, were found unconscious on the floor of the building after a helicopter pilot flying over the area saw what appeared to be smoke coming from the structure and landed to investigate. One of the technicians was pronounced dead by medical personnel called to the scene. The other was pronounced dead a short time after being flown to the McMurdo medical clinic, the NSF said in a statement. Source

Billionaire DOOM! Dennis Washington's 332 ft Yacht Attessa RAMS Fishing Boat Killing Fisherman!

A fatal crash involving Montana billionaire Dennis Washington's 332 ft yacht and a fishing boat which killed a man is being investigated by the U.S. Coast Guard. The collision between Washington's The Attessa IV, worth an estimated $150 million, and the commercial vessel also injured another man who was on board the fishing boat. The Attessa collided with the Prowler off the coast of Imperial Beach, San Diego on October 26 and the Coast Guard was called to the scene of the smash at 7.50pm, USA Today reports. According to officials across the two boats there were 29 people on board and Washington, founder of the Washington Cos. and owner of Montana Rail Link, was not on the boat at the time of the crash. Source

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

DC & Riyadh To Be Punished With PLAGUE Over Khashoggi Murder: DC Spiraling Rat Infestation...

Divine Justice in action

Both towns to be punish for the inaction of Trump and the Saudi King in punishing of MBS for his role in the Murder of Khashoggi. Both men REFUSE to punish the wicked Prince Mohammed bin Salman:

Draining the swamp, clearing the burrows: DC’s war on rats 

WASHINGTON (AP) — Andre Pittman and Gregory Cornes are on a mission to rid Washington of opportunistic vermin. But their target isn’t corrupt officials or shady political fixers; it’s Rattus Norvegicus, the common Norway Rat. The nation’s capital is facing a spiraling rat infestation, fueled by mild winters and a human population boom. Washington’s government is struggling to keep pace, with the pest control department fielding a record number of calls. On one recent day, Pittman and Cornes, both veteran Health Department employees, are working within sight of the Capitol, shoveling dry ice pellets into suspected rat burrow entrances. On another, they’re summoned about six blocks north of the White House, at 16th Street and M, where residents have complained of an outbreak. Source

The world know that MBS murdered Khashoggi now the world gets to witness the punishment of both towns.

Rats are in place to make a delivery....

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

France: Muslim Cherif Chekatt Murders Four At Strasbourg Christmas Market

Strasbourg shooting: Gunman at large after two killed and 12 injured

At least two people have been killed and 12 others wounded in a shooting in the eastern French city of Strasbourg. The gunman, known to security services, is on the run and is being hunted by police. He had been injured in an exchange of gunfire with a soldier, police said. The shooting happened close to a Christmas market near one of the central squares, Place Kléber. France's counter terrorism prosecutor has opened an investigation. Confirming the death toll had risen to two, French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner, who is on his way to the city, called it a "serious public security incident". Six of the injured are said to be in a serious condition, while six others suffered light injuries, police said. Source

Muslim Cherif Chekatt 

BRAZIL: Gunman Upset Over Priest Sex Abuse Scandal Opens Fire At Metropolitan Cathedral In Campinas Killing Five Including Self

I guess Rad Trads are stirring things up a bit....

Brazil shooting: Five dead as gunman opens fire in cathedral

A gunman opened fire in a Catholic cathedral near Brazil's most populous city, São Paulo, killing five people and wounding several others. The attack happened towards the end of a midday service in the Metropolitan Cathedral in Campinas city, police say. The gunman, carrying a revolver and a pistol, rose from his seat and started shooting randomly, Brazil's O Globo News reports. He then killed himself in front of the altar before police could arrest him. The motive for the attack is not yet clear. Neither the gunman nor his victims have been identified. Major Adriano Augusto told O Globo News that the gunman stood up shortly after the prayers had ended. "He first hit the people on the bench behind him," Major Augusto said. "Apparently he shot in several directions, not directed at anyone specifically." Most of those who were hit were elderly, the newspaper reports. There is some confusion over the exact number of fatalities, with some reports putting the number at four. Police officers outside the cathedral immediately entered after hearing the shots. Paramedics could be seen treating people at the scene. Ambulances rushed the wounded to hospital. Source

Daniel's Second Beast BEAR = SOCIAL MEDIA: Fortnite Gamer Luke Munday Livestreams The Beating He Gave His Pregnant Girlfriend For Disrupting His Play Time......

And behold another beast like a bear stood up on one side: and there were three rows in the mouth thereof, and in the teeth thereof, and thus they said to it: Arise, devour much flesh. Dan.7.4

The second Beast is Bear.

BEAR = SOCIAL MEDIA (Facebook Apple Youtube Twitter Instagram Google Fortnite etc...)

Arise, devour much flesh......

An engraged gamer has been charged after allegedly livestreaming himself bashing a young mother. 

The 26-year-old man was arrested after police were called to a home in Franklin Grove, Oran Park, in south-west Sydney, about 11.30pm on Sunday following reports of an alleged assault. Police found a 21-year-old pregnant woman, Grace, who was not seriously injured but distressed and shaken by the incident. There were also two young girls, aged three and 20 months, at the home. The alleged attacker was taken to the police station where he was charged with common assault. He has been granted conditional bail and will appear in Camden Local Court on Thursday. An apprehended violence order has been served. Source

How a global tech company used Fortnite gamer they called 'a hard-working family man' as their poster boy before he 'live-streamed the moment he bashed his pregnant girlfriend'

 A Fortnite gamer who was the poster boy for a global tech company has been arrested after allegedly live-streaming the moment he bashed his pregnant girlfriend.  Luke Munday, 26, was described as a 'hard-working family man' by tech giant Cisco after landing a top job at Telstra following success with their networking academy.  In an interview last year, the tech genius said he was determined to create financial security for his young family after his father walked out on him at the age of two.  'When my partner fell pregnant with our first child, a lot changes and your responsibilities go through the roof,' he said.  'I had that philosophy I wouldn't let that happen to my own kids.'  But on Sunday night, police stormed an Oran Park home in Sydney's west and charged Munday with assaulting his pregnant de facto partner.   Two girls aged three and 20 months were inside the home at the time. Source 

Here is my take on the Four Beasts:

The Four beasts of Daniel are:


1. The first was like a lioness, and had the wings of an eagle: I beheld till her wings were plucked off, and she was lifted up from the earth, and stood upon her feet as a man, and the heart of a man was given to her

SECOND BEAST BEAR = SOCIAL MEDIA (facebook twitter etc...)

2. And behold another beast like a bear stood up on one side: and there were three rows in the mouth thereof, and in the teeth thereof, and thus they said to it: Arise, devour much flesh.


3. After this I beheld, and lo, another like a leopard, and it had upon it four wings as of a fowl, and the beast had four heads, and power was given to it.


4. After this I beheld in the vision of the night, and lo, a fourth beast, terrible and wonderful, and exceeding strong, it had great iron teeth, eating and breaking in pieces, and treading down the rest with its feet: and it was unlike to the other beasts which I had seen before it, and had ten horns.

All four beast are different from one another - the third and fourth beasts are political in nature but different - the third being man-made nationalistic political authority and the fourth being man-made universal political authority.

I think this is in line with what the Church Fathers would say.

If you find fault in this let me know.

Arise, devour much flesh......

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Daniel's Second Beast BEAR = SOCIAL MEDIA: 22-Year-Old Man Scott Krulcik Found DEAD In Google's New York Offices...

And behold another beast like a bear stood up on one side: and there were three rows in the mouth thereof, and in the teeth thereof, and thus they said to it: Arise, devour much flesh. Dan.7.4

The second Beast is Bear.

BEAR = SOCIAL MEDIA (Facebook Apple Youtube Twitter Instagram Google etc...)

Arise, devour much flesh......

22-year-old man found dead in Google's New York offices 

CHELSEA, Manhattan (WABC) -- A 22-year-old man was found dead in Google's New York offices Friday.  Police said Scott Krulcik, of Manhattan, was found unconscious and unresponsive on the sixth floor of 111 8th Avenue, the building Google rents for its New York offices. He was pronounced dead on the scene.  There were no obvious signs of trauma. The Medical Examiner will determine the cause of death, and the investigation remains ongoing.  According to LinkedIn, Krulcik worked as a software engineer for Google since August. Source

Here is my take on the Four Beasts:

The Four beasts of Daniel are:


1. The first was like a lioness, and had the wings of an eagle: I beheld till her wings were plucked off, and she was lifted up from the earth, and stood upon her feet as a man, and the heart of a man was given to her

SECOND BEAST BEAR = SOCIAL MEDIA (facebook twitter etc...)

2. And behold another beast like a bear stood up on one side: and there were three rows in the mouth thereof, and in the teeth thereof, and thus they said to it: Arise, devour much flesh.


3. After this I beheld, and lo, another like a leopard, and it had upon it four wings as of a fowl, and the beast had four heads, and power was given to it.


4. After this I beheld in the vision of the night, and lo, a fourth beast, terrible and wonderful, and exceeding strong, it had great iron teeth, eating and breaking in pieces, and treading down the rest with its feet: and it was unlike to the other beasts which I had seen before it, and had ten horns.

All four beast are different from one another - the third and fourth beasts are political in nature but different - the third being man-made nationalistic political authority and the fourth being man-made universal political authority.

I think this is in line with what the Church Fathers would say.

If you find fault in this let me know.

Arise, devour much flesh......

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Trump & Melania REFUSE To Recite The Apostles Creed With A Bunch Of Non-Catholic HERETICS..... LOL!

Melania is a Roman Catholic.

And as most Roman Catholics SHOULD know - never pray with Heretics.

Melania refused to pray with heretics and her non-Catholic Husband out of respect for his wife did the same so as not make her look bad. Trump took the heat instead.

Trump did the right thing!

Never ever pray with Non-Catholic Heretics! Never!

Read the complaints from Heretics Apostates and Atheists Here

The Correct Catholic Version of the Apostles Creed:

1. I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth,

2. and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,

3. who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,

4. suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried;

5. he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead;

6. he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty;

7. from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.

8. I believe in the Holy Spirit,

9. the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints,

10. the forgiveness of sins,

11. the resurrection of the body,

12. and life everlasting.


DOOM! George H.W. Bush's Family Mourn Him In The Church Where He Attended For 50 Years And Where There Was NO HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS......EVER!

No Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass Here....

President George H.W. Bush's extended state funeral began its final stages on Thursday in Houston, Texas, with the second imposing church memorial in two days. His grandsons were honorary pallbearers and his granddaughters read scripture in a service bursting with faith and family – less about America’s last war-hero president than a gracious, devout patriarch. About 1,200 invited guests at St. Martin's Episcopal Church included members of the 41st president's family, Houston athletes and civic leaders who knew him as a service-minded American who invested more than four decades in merging his family's values with America's. He was 'the most gracious, most decent, most humble man I will ever know,' said George P. Bush, the late president's grandson who as the Texas land commissioner is the last current family member with a political future. Source

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Warning To The House of SAUD......May Debauchery Depart, May Dissipation Be Banished; May The Plague Of Dancing Girls, All Be Done Away With....

May debauchery depart, may dissipation be banished; may the plague of dancing girls, the bawdy songs of musicians, what fuels pleasures, what weights down the belly, and what shipwrecks minds all be done away with, be wiped out with the feasts of Herodias, so that your joy at present may reach an happiness that lasts forever. St. Peter Chrysologus, Sermon 127

I'm betting that the Saudis will not change....

Proof That Sacrilegious Communion Is Punished: Roman Catholic U.S. Navy Admiral Scott Stearney Found Dead In Apparent SUICIDE

"Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a man examine himself, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For any one who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself."

Military men who commit Sacrilegious Communion are not exempt from punishment

Stearney graduated from Notre Dame.

Shot himself in the head at his home in Bahrain

Stearney went the way of Judas.

You will be punished in this life for Sacrilegious communion...

U.S. Navy Statement on Death of Vice Adm. Scott A. Stearney 

WASHINGTON (NNS) -- Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson released the following statement Dec. 1, 2018, on the death of Vice Adm. Scott A. Stearney who served as commander of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet.

Team, it's my sad duty to inform you that today the Secretary of the Navy Richard V. Spencer and I were told that Vice Adm. Scott Stearney, our commander of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet, was found deceased in his residence in Bahrain today. This is devastating news for the Stearney family, for the team at 5th Fleet, and for the entire U.S. Navy.

Scott Stearney was a decorated naval warrior. He was a devoted husband and father, and he was a good friend to all of us. The Naval Criminal Investigative Service and the Bahraini Ministry of Interior are cooperating on the investigation, but at this time no foul play is suspected. Rear Adm. Paul Schlise, the deputy commander of 5th Fleet, has assumed command and is maintaining continuity in our responsibilities and posture in the U.S. 5th Fleet.

I ask that you keep the Stearney family in your prayers and respect their privacy as they navigate through these very difficult times. We will keep you informed as we learn more. Thank you very much. Source

Friday, November 30, 2018

More Evil Portents For Trump! Buenos Aires EARTHQUAKE Hits G20 Summit Just As Donald Trump SNUBS Putin & Saudi Crown Prince....

Earthquake hits near Argentina capital as world leaders attend G20 summit

A 3.8 magnitude earthquake has struck south of Buenos Aires, where world leaders are gathered for the G20 summit. The quake hit an area located 33 kilometers south of the city, according to the European Mediterranean Seismological Center. It had a depth of 10 kilometers, according to the US Geological Survey (USGS). It occurred on the first day of the G20 summit, with world leaders gathered in Buenos Aires. They are slated to discuss a range of topics, with global trade expected to be at the forefront. Although the quake wasn't widely felt by those in Buenos Aires, news that it had struck an area near the G20 prompted quite a few jokes online - most of them to do with US President Donald Trump. Source

The Red Laser Dot....

The Plane....

President Trump's private plane clipped by aircraft at LaGuardia Airport

We can only hope the offending pilot left a nice note on the windshield. The Trump Organization confirmed Wednesday that the president’s private Boeing 757 was involved in an accident at LaGuardia airport after a corporate aircraft clipped its wing while trying to maneuver into a parking area. The incident occurred around 8:30 a.m. that morning, the Associated Press reports. No one was injured.The extent of the damage to Trump’s Boeing jet, which he used during his 2016 presidential campaign, was not immediately made clear. The president has been using Air Force One since taking office, and no one was aboard the Boeing at the time of the incident. Source

Thursday, November 29, 2018

DIVINE PROVIDENCE PUNISHED The Wicked Actions Of Michael Voris Who Physically Accosted The Bishop Of Buffalo In Airport WITH THE UNTIMELY DEATH OF TRADITIONAL BISHOP MORLINO

FR Z & Michael Voris

DIVINE PROVIDENCE has punished the wicked actions of a layman who physically accosted a Bishop in the Airport with the death of Bishop Morlino.

Bishop Morlino is Fr Z's Bishop.

We all know that Rad Trads pray for the end of the pontificate of Pope Francis some even pray for the Death of Pope Francis and I do think that Fr Z said that is was allowed to pray for this intention.

Well the Pope didn't die but a Rad Trad Bishop did.

Oh and hey to all you Rad Trads who have a problem this post - it just goes to show you that Rad Trads do not believe in Divine Providence in the affairs of men.

Watch a wicked ex-SODOMITE harass a Bishop...

This on the Death of a Rad Trad Bishop from Church Militant:

Madison, Wisconsin prelate known for fostering traditional liturgy and orthodoxy

MADISON, Wisc. ( - Bishop Robert C. Morlino passed away the evening of November 24, days after suffering from cardiac arrest. The 71-year-old bishop of Madison, Wisconsin died at about 9:15 p.m. on Saturday at St. Mary's Hospital in Madison, where he had been hospitalized since Nov. 21 following a "cardiac event," according to a diocesan press release. The heart problem emerged during a planned medical examination. The press statement notes that Bp. Morlino sought to foster a greater sense of reverence at Mass, to improve both the quality and the quantity of seminarians and to encourage Catholic institutions to greater fidelity. "All objective indicators point to the fact that Bishop Morlino accomplished what he set out to do in the diocese, by the way of fostering greater priestly vocations (he ordained 40 men to the priesthood, with another 24 presently in formation)," the statement reads, "bringing a greater sense of reverent worship to the entire diocese, and he made significant inroads toward encouraging the Catholic institutions in his care to live out their mission with greater fidelity, during his fifteen-plus years as Bishop of Madison. We pray this continues."Often considered an ally of tradition-minded Catholics, the late bishop voiced support for Abp. Carlo Maria Viganò and called out the homosexual subculture run rampant in the Church. The late bishop wrote in a letter to the diocese in August, "It is time to admit that there is a homosexual subculture within the hierarchy of the Catholic Church that is wreaking great devastation in the vineyard of the Lord." Source

DIVINE PROVIDENCE just punished the Rad Trad Lay Community for Michael Voris' wicked folly......
