Monday, January 31, 2022

BORIS DOOM! PARTY'S OVER Sue Gray Report Reveals ‘Failure Of Leadership’ Over Boozy No 10 Lockdown Parties

PARTY'S OVER Sue Gray report reveals ‘failure of leadership’ over boozy No 10 lockdown parties

BORIS Johnson was rocked today as Sue Gray's Partygate probe tore into "failures of leadership and judgment" inside No10 during lockdown. In a watered-down version of the Whitehall inquiry, the top civil servant said "too little thought" was often given to the public's hardship during the pandemic. Ms Gray also blasted the booze culture inside government and demanded changes in behaviour were made. Her 12-page report concluded: "There were failures of leadership and judgment by different parts of No10 and the Cabinet Office at different times. "Some of the events should not have been allowed to take place. Other events should not have been allowed to develop as they did." Humbled Mr Johnson today issued an apology in the Commons and vowed to change the way he works through a new Office of the Prime Minister. He told MPs: "Firstly, I want to say sorry - and I'm sorry for the things we simply didn't get right and also sorry for the way this matter has been handled. "It's no use saying this or that was within the rules and it's no use saying people were working hard. This pandemic was hard for everyone." 

In major developments: 
  • Ms Gray revealed the Met were probing 12 out of the 16 gatherings 
  • Scotland Yard said they have been handed 300 pics and 500 pieces of paper 
  • Ms Gray revealed the cops were investigating a gathering in the PM's flat the night Dominic Cummings resigned 
  • Ms Gray said some staff felt too afraid to challenge the behaviour inside No10 
  • The PM reacted by vowing to shake-up his No10 operation 
  • Mr Johnson is set to rally Tory MPs at a meeting this evening 
  • Andrew Mitchell became the eighth Tory MP to publicly call for Mr Johnson to quit 
  • He will then avoid the fallout by jetting off to Ukraine tomorrow


DOOM! Miss USA Suicide: Cheslie Corrinne Kryst Miss USA 2019 Jumps To Her Death

More DOOM......

First it was Charlie Brown now its Miss USA 2019

A BEAUTY QUEEN TRAGEDY Cheslie Kryst Miss USA 2019 dies in ‘suicide’ age 30 after plunging from 29th floor of her high-rise home in NYC

FORMER Miss USA titleholder is dead after falling from her high-rise apartment in New York City in a suspected suicide. Police were called to Cheslie Kryst’s midtown apartment building around 7:13am. Paramedics were also called but Kryst, who won the crown in 2019, was pronounced dead at the scene. An investigation is underway, however, police believe the former beauty queen, who lived on the 9th floor, jumped to her death. According to the New York Post, Kryst was last seen on the building’s terrace, which is on the 29th floor. The building is located at 350 West 42nd Street. Chillingly, Kryst shared a photo of herself on Instagram just hours before her death with the caption, “May this day bring you rest and peace.” “In devastation and great sorrow, we share the passing of our beloved Cheslie,” read a statement from Kryst’s family. “Her great light was one that inspired others around the world with her beauty and strength. “She cares, she loved, she laughed and she shined. Cheslie embodied love and served others, whether through her work as an attorney or fighting for social justice, as Miss USA and as a host on EXTRA. “But most importantly, as a daughter sister, friend mentor and colleague - we know her impact will live on.” Source

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Former Muslim Kansas Teacher Allison Fluke-Ekren, 42, Accused Of Leading All-Female ISIS Brigade

Allison Fluke-Ekren & Friend Heather....

Former Kansas teacher accused of leading all-female ISIS brigade 

A former teacher from Kansas became a rare female combat leader in the Islamic State, teaching other women and children to use guns and bombs, federal prosecutors said in a case unsealed Friday night. Allison Fluke-Ekren, 42, was charged with material support for terrorism in 2019 but was only brought to the Eastern District of Virginia Friday evening, after a recent arrest in Syria. She led an ISIS military battalion, tried to plan a terrorist attack on an American college campus and taught and translated extremist doctrine, prosecutors say.Women make up only about 10% of those charged by the United States with supporting the Islamic State, and no previous case has involved someone accused of holding such a powerful position in the group. Experts have debated how large a role women played in armed conflict on behalf of the Islamic State. While the group enforced strict gender codes, violence by women was never banned. When its territory in Iraq and Syria came under attack 2016 and 2017, leaders explicitly encouraged women to take up arms. Fluke-Ekren was a key part of that effort, prosecutors contend."Fluke-Ekren translated her extremist beliefs into action by serving as the appointed leader and organizer of an ISIS military battalion, directly training women and children in the use of AK-47 assault rifles, grenades, and suicide belts to support the Islamic State's murderous aims," wrote First Assistant U.S. Attorney Raj Parekh in a detention memo.According to the court record, Fluke-Ekren left the United States in 2008 for Egypt; she migrated to Libya in 2011 and then Syria a year later, where she hoped to join a violent Islamist movement. Authorities say her husband traveled with her and became a sniper trainer for ISIS; he later died in an airstrike and is not named in court records. In 2014, he designed a plan to plant explosives at a U.S. college in retaliation for an airstrike, an alleged witness told authorities. The plan was approved by ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, according to prosecutors, but never came to fruition after Fluke-Ekren became pregnant. 

She also allegedly hosted new ISIS recruits; witnesses told authorities they were struck by how many assault rifles were in her home. According to the criminal complaint, one saw her child holding a machine gun when he was 5 or 6 years old. After the husband she traveled with died Fluke-Erken married a drone expert, who also died. Her next husband was a prominent military leader responsible for the defense of Raqqa, prosecutors said. It was after their marriage, according to the government, that the city's ISIS-appointed leader approved the creation of a female military battalion and made Fluke-Ekren its leader. She is accused of helping the women prepare for a coming siege of Raqqa by Kurdish forces in 2017 with training in martial arts, driving cars armed with explosive devices, and packing "go bags" of rifles and other weapons. Witnesses describe her as fluent in Arabic, English, Spanish and Turkish.In 2018, according to prosecutors, she sought to evade capture by U.S. authorities by arranging for a message to be sent to her family in the United States claiming she was dead. At the same time she said she intended to die as a martyr for ISIS, prosecutors said. The prosecution's witnesses against Fluke-Ekren included a paid foreign government source, detainees in prison camps for ISIS members and a person convicted in the United States, according to the court record. Thousands of women from the Islamic State were held in a detention camp in Northeast Syria, where some were killed by the most radical detainees for failing to adhere to the rules of the Islamic State. Fluke-Ekren is set to appear in federal court in Alexandria on Monday, when she will be appointed an attorney. Family members could not immediately be reached for comment Saturday. Source

Friday, January 28, 2022

Biden/Buttigieg DOOM! Pittsburgh's Frick Bridge Collapses Just As Biden Visits To Promote Buttigieg's Infrastructure Bill!


What hell is this?

What timing?

Where's Pete? Breastfeeding his babies?

Frick Bridge?

I once knew a Priest who always said Frick instead of Fuck.

Fricking Hell!

Frick Park Bridge Collapse: 10 Minor Injuries Reported, 4 People Taken To Hospital

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Search dogs are at the scene and NTSB officials are en route to a bridge collapse where 10 people suffered minor injuries in Pittsburgh early Friday morning. Four of those injured when the Fern Hollow Bridge collapsed near Frick Park before 7 a.m. were taken to area hospitals. Three of the patients are in fair condition at UPMC Presbyterian Hospital, and one is in fair condition at UPMC Shadyside Hospital. Some of those injured were first responders, Public Safety said.Crews were called to the scene in the area of Forbes and Braddock avenues after the collapse happened at 6:39 a.m., Public Safety said. Neighbor Wendy Stroh described what she heard. “It sounded like a huge snow plow…pushing along the surface with no snow,” she said. “I didn’t know what it was…It was very frightening.” Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey tweeted a dramatic aerial picture from above the scene of the collapse. Several cars as well as a Port Authority bus were involved in the collapse. At least three of the people rushed to hospitals were on the bus at the time of the collapse, Pittsburgh Bureau of Fire Chief Darryl Jones said. Source


Thursday, January 27, 2022

Church Militant's Milo Yiannopoulos Admits To Being At Parties Where Small Boys Were Raped But Refuses To Name Any Names Of Those Who Raped Little Boys...

Pedo Enabler Christine Niles And Milo Yiannopoulos 

I want to know from @Michael_Voris :

1. Did you vet Milo before putting him on CM's books; using him to sell your Scripture recordings?

2. Have you now, today, insisted that he go to the Police & report the paeophiles with whom he attended these parties?

3. Would you not agree, Mr Voris, that, if you do not so insist

i. you should be seen as the worst of hypocrites, unfit for ANY "apostolate" of any kind?
ii. you would then yourself be complicit in the cover-up of paedophilia?
iii. You should forthwith shut down Church Militant as a person wholly unfit to be owning or running a supposedly Catholic media organisation?

Benedict Carter


Wednesday, January 26, 2022

DOOM! Charlie Brown Commits Suicide......

This has to be some evil portent for America....

Peter Robbins Dies: Former Child Actor Who Voiced Charlie Brown Was 65 
Peter Robbins, who voiced Charlie Brown in the classic 1960s Peanuts cartoons, has died. The former actor died by suicide last week, his family told San Diego’s Fox 5. He was 65. Robbins (real name Louis G. Nanasi) was born in 1956 in Los Angeles. He began acting in 1963 and was the first to play the Charles M. Schulz-created character of Charlie Brown, including in such perennial holiday animated classics as A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965) and It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (1966). In addition to voicing Charlie Brown for four years, Robbins recurred on the 1968 comedy Blondie and guest starred on such TV series as Rawhide, The Munsters, The Donna Reed Show, F Troop, Get Smart and My Three Sons. Robbins quit acting in 1972. For awhile, he worked as a DJ in Palm Springs. Robbins, who suffered from bipolar disorder, made headlines in 2015 when he was sentenced to five years for making threats to several people, including public figures. He was released in 2019. Source

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Biden Calls Fox News Reporter A ‘Stupid-Son-Of-A-B itch’ After Inflation Question

Monkey Pox DOOM! Pennsylvania Driver Infected By Macaques

There will be bloody wars and famines, plagues and infectious diseases. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)

The earth will be struck by calamities of all kinds (in addition to plague and famine which will be wide-spread). Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)

Driver who stopped to help when truck carrying 100 lab monkeys crashed in Pennsylvania and put her hand in one of the cages says she now has a cough and pink eye after one of the macaques HISSED in her face 

A woman who stopped to help after a truck carrying 100 lab monkeys crashed in Pennsylvania fears she's caught an illness after one of the macaques hissed in her face. Michelle Fallon, from Danville near Scranton, was driving directly behind the vehicle when it crashed, throwing animal crates all over the highway and smashing some to pieces.Four of the 100 animals escaped and were seen sitting among the wreckage before they fled. Police say they have now all been accounted for, with three known to have been euthanized. Fallon said she got out to help both the driver and the animals in their cages, initially believing them to be cats. When she approached and put her hand on the cage, she says the monkey hissed at her. The day following the accident, Fallon suddenly developed a cough and pink-eye, which became so bad that she had to visit the emergency room at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville. Fallon has now had a rabies shot, and wrote about the symptoms she has since suffered on Facebook - and also told PA Homepage that she'd developed symptoms of pink eye - an inflammation or infection of the eye ball. Source

What is the monkey Herpes B virus 

Contracting the B virus is extremely rare, but it can lead to severe brain damage or death if you do not get treatment immediately. People typically get infected with B virus if they are bitten or scratched by an infected macaque monkey, or have contact with the monkey's eyes, nose, or mouth. You may develop small blisters in the wound or area on your body that had contact with the monkey. There are no known vaccines to protect against a B virus infection, and so people are urged not to touch or feed monkeys. Only one case has been documented of an infected person spreading B virus to another person.


1. Two Popes. (13 March 2013)
2. Manifestation of the Forerunner to the Antichrist (21 October 2019)
3. Death of Two Popes (_ _/_ _/2022)
4. Start of Thirty Five Years Worth of Chastisements (_ _/_ _/2022)
5. Rise of the Political Power of the Forerunner to the Antichrist (_ _/_ _/_ _ _ _)
6. Creation of Forerunner's Nationalist Army  (_ _/_ _/_ _ _ _)
7. Persecution of the Catholic Church by the Forerunner and His Nationalist Army  (_ _/_ _/_ _ _ _)
8. Murder of Fatima Pope & Faithful on top a Steep Mountain by Forerunner and his Army.
9. The Rise of the Great Monarch & Great Pontiff (near the end of the 35 year Chastisement)
10. The death of the Forerunner to the Antichrist.


"I didn't see, I don't see any Great Pope or Great Monarch before an extremely great tribulation, horrifying, terrible and general for all Christendom. But before that time, twice there will be a short lived peace; TWO shaky, servile, doubtful popes" Mélanie


“The great chastisement will come, because men will not be converted; yet it is only their conversion that can hinder these scourges. God will begin to strike men by inflicting lighter punishments in order to open their eyes; then He will stop, or may repeat His former warnings to give place for repentance. But sinners will not avail themselves of these opportunities; He will, in consequence, send more severe castigations, anxious to move sinners to repentance, but all in vain. Finally, the obduracy of sinners shall draw upon their heads the greatest and most terrible calamities. Mélanie

“We are all guilty! Penance is not done, and sin increases daily. Those who should come forward to do good are retained by fear. Evil is great. A moderate punishment serves only to irritate the spirits, because they view all things with human eyes. God could work a miracle to convert and change the aspect of the earth without chastisement. God will work a miracle; it will be a stroke of His mercy; but after the wicked shall have inebriated themselves with blood, the scourge shall arrive Mélanie

“What countries shall be preserved from such calamities? Where shall we go for refuge? I, in my turn, shall ask, What is the country that observes the commandments of God? What country is not influenced by human fear where the interest of the Church and the glory of God are at stake? (Ah, indeed! What country, what nation upon earth?) In behalf of my Superior and myself, I have often asked myself where we could go for refuge, had we the means for the journey and for our subsistence, on condition that no person were to know it? But I renounce these useless thoughts. We are very guilty! In consequence of this, it is necessary that a very great and terrible scourge should come to revive our faith, and to restore to us our very reason, which we have almost entirely lost. Mélanie

Victim of Jesus nee MELANIE CALVAT,
Shepherdess of La Salette

"I protest highly against a different text, which people may dare publish after my death. I protest once more against the very false statements of all those who dare say and write First that I embroidered the Secret; second, against those who state that the Queen Mother did not say to transmit the Secret to all her people." Mélanie

Saturday, January 22, 2022


Doubled Vaccinated Arnold Schwarzenegger Passes Out While Driving GMC Yukon SUV And Runs Over A Red Prius & White Porsche Yelling "SCREW YOUR FREEDOM!!"


Schwarzenegger noticed that the other drivers were not wearing their masks and in a fit of uncontrollable rage he passed out after hyperventilating yelling "SCREW YOUR FREEDOM" "SCREW YOUR FREEDOM" "SCREW YOUR FREEDOM" then hitting and running over the smaller vehicles....


LAPD investigates Arnold Schwarzenegger car crash after woman is injured when the star rolls his GMC Yukon SUV over a Prius and then onto a Porsche Cayenne after lunch with his son and daughter 

 Arnold Schwarzenegger was involved in a car crash on Friday afternoon in Los Angeles that involved four vehicles and left his enormous black SUV perched on top of another car, leaving one other driver with a head injury. The former governor, 74, was driving his GMC Yukon SUV and was about to turn onto busy Sunset Boulevard, about half-a-mile from his home in the Brentwood, when he smashed into a red Toyota Prius at 4:35pm. The Prius was said to have been making a U-turn in the road when the collision occurred. The impact of the crash was so severe that the Prius' airbags deployed as a result of the collision as did those in Schwarzenegger's vehicle. The star's SUV then started to roll onto a white Porsche Cayenne that was directly behind Schwarzenegger's. Law enforcement are conducting a full investigation into how the accident occurred. Although no tickets have been issued, one police source said they believed the accident was the fault of the Terminator actor, who was attempting to make a left turn but did not wait for a left-turn arrow at the intersection of Sunset and Allenford Avenue. Source




Gavin Newsome “Forgive Me for Saying ‘Gangs'” – They’re “Groups of Folks”

Friday, January 21, 2022

Experimental Laboratory Monkeys From China Escape In Pennsylvania Truck Crash

Truck carrying 100 monkeys crashes in Pa., and now some are missing: Police 

DANVILLE, Pa. (AP) — A truck carrying about 100 monkeys was involved in a crash Friday in Pennsylvania, state police said as authorities searched for at least three of the monkeys that appeared to have escaped the vehicle. The truck carrying the animals crashed with a dump truck in the afternoon in Montour County, Pennsylvania State Police Trooper Andrea Pelachick told the Daily Item. The truck had been on its way to a lab, Pelachick said.Authorities have asked residents who might see the monkeys to call state police at 570-524-2662. It was unclear if any people or animals were injured in the crash. Source


Thursday, January 20, 2022

Austria Doom! Austria Parliament Approves Mandatory Covid Vaccination

As if it can't get worse for Austria. Austria is already the home of the Forerunner to the Antichrist Baron Alexander von Tschugguel.

Following up Doom for Austria Post:

Austria Parliament Approves Mandatory Covid Vaccination   

Austria’s parliament on Thursday approved making Covid-19 vaccinations mandatory for adults from next month, becoming the first European country to do so despite a wave of protests opposing the measure. Tens of thousands have demonstrated against mandatory vaccination in regular weekend rallies since the measure was announced in November in a bid to drive up the country’s vaccination rate. But all parties, except the far-right, supported the measure, with the new legislation passing with 137 votes in favour and 33 votes against it. “It is adopted with the (necessary) majority,” Doris Bures, second president of the National Council, said. To date 72 percent of Austrian residents have been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus — in line with the European Union-wide average of just more than 70 percent but several percentage points below regional neighbours such as Italy and France. Under the new law, after an initial “introductory phase” those holding out against the jab can face fines of up to 3,600 euros ($4,084) from mid-March. The government initially wanted to cover everyone aged 14 and older, but now the measure only applies to adults, except pregnant women and those with a medical exemption.  Source

Those dancing are the politicians of Austria.....

More Austria DOOM!

What the hell is going on in Austria?

Doom all around.

Witchcraft I bet.....

“A forerunner of the Antichrist, with his troops gathered from several nations, will fight against the true Christ, the only Saviour of the world. He will shed much blood and will want to annihilate the worship of God to make himself be looked upon as a God.  Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)


1. Two Popes. (13 March 2013)
2. Manifestation of the Forerunner to the Antichrist (21 October 2019)
3. Death of Two Popes (_ _ / _ _ / 2022)
4. Start of Thirty Five Years Worth of Chastisements (_ _ / _ _ / 2022)
5. Rise of the Political Power of the Forerunner to the Antichrist (_ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _)
6. Creation of Forerunner's Nationalist Army (_ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _)
7. Persecution of the Catholic Church by the Forerunner and His Nationalist Army(_ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _)
8. The Murder of the Fatima Pope and Faithful on top a Steep Mountain by the Forerunner and his Army.
9. The Rise of the Great Monarch & Great Pontiff (near the end of the 35 year Chastisement)
10. The death of the Forerunner to the Antichrist.


"I didn't see, I don't see any Great Pope or Great Monarch before an extremely great tribulation, horrifying, terrible and general for all Christendom. But before that time, twice there will be a short lived peace; TWO shaky, servile, doubtful popes" Mélanie


“The great chastisement will come, because men will not be converted; yet it is only their conversion that can hinder these scourges. God will begin to strike men by inflicting lighter punishments in order to open their eyes; then He will stop, or may repeat His former warnings to give place for repentance. But sinners will not avail themselves of these opportunities; He will, in consequence, send more severe castigations, anxious to move sinners to repentance, but all in vain. Finally, the obduracy of sinners shall draw upon their heads the greatest and most terrible calamities. Mélanie

“We are all guilty! Penance is not done, and sin increases daily. Those who should come forward to do good are retained by fear. Evil is great. A moderate punishment serves only to irritate the spirits, because they view all things with human eyes. God could work a miracle to convert and change the aspect of the earth without chastisement. God will work a miracle; it will be a stroke of His mercy; but after the wicked shall have inebriated themselves with blood, the scourge shall arrive Mélanie

“What countries shall be preserved from such calamities? Where shall we go for refuge? I, in my turn, shall ask, What is the country that observes the commandments of God? What country is not influenced by human fear where the interest of the Church and the glory of God are at stake? (Ah, indeed! What country, what nation upon earth?) In behalf of my Superior and myself, I have often asked myself where we could go for refuge, had we the means for the journey and for our subsistence, on condition that no person were to know it? But I renounce these useless thoughts. We are very guilty! In consequence of this, it is necessary that a very great and terrible scourge should come to revive our faith, and to restore to us our very reason, which we have almost entirely lost. Mélanie

Victim of Jesus nee MELANIE CALVAT,
Shepherdess of La Salette

"I protest highly against a different text, which people may dare publish after my death. I protest once more against the very false statements of all those who dare say and write First that I embroidered the Secret; second, against those who state that the Queen Mother did not say to transmit the Secret to all her people." Mélanie



Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Good Morning Everybody! RORATE EXCLUSIVE Pope Francis Has Pancreatic Cancer - But We Still Have TWO POPES! ~ Signed Mélanie



"I didn't see, I don't see any Great Pope or Great Monarch before an extremely great tribulation, horrifying, terrible and general for all Christendom. But before that time, twice there will be a short lived peace; TWO shaky, servile, doubtful popes" Mélanie


1. Two Popes. (13 March 2013)
2. Manifestation of the Forerunner to the Antichrist (21 October 2019)
3. Death of Two Popes (_ _/_ _/2022)
4. Start of Thirty Five Years Worth of Chastisements (_ _/_ _/2022)
5. Rise of the Political Power of the Forerunner to the Antichrist (_ _/_ _/_ _ _ _)
6. Creation of Forerunner's Nationalist Army  (_ _/_ _/_ _ _ _)
7. Persecution of the Catholic Church by the Forerunner and His Nationalist Army  (_ _/_ _/_ _ _ _)
8. Murder of Fatima Pope & Faithful on top a Steep Mountain by Forerunner and his Army.
9. The Rise of the Great Monarch & Great Pontiff (near the end of the 35 year Chastisement)
10. The death of the Forerunner to the Antichrist.


“The great chastisement will come, because men will not be converted; yet it is only their conversion that can hinder these scourges. God will begin to strike men by inflicting lighter punishments in order to open their eyes; then He will stop, or may repeat His former warnings to give place for repentance. But sinners will not avail themselves of these opportunities; He will, in consequence, send more severe castigations, anxious to move sinners to repentance, but all in vain. Finally, the obduracy of sinners shall draw upon their heads the greatest and most terrible calamities. Mélanie

“We are all guilty! Penance is not done, and sin increases daily. Those who should come forward to do good are retained by fear. Evil is great. A moderate punishment serves only to irritate the spirits, because they view all things with human eyes. God could work a miracle to convert and change the aspect of the earth without chastisement. God will work a miracle; it will be a stroke of His mercy; but after the wicked shall have inebriated themselves with blood, the scourge shall arrive Mélanie

“What countries shall be preserved from such calamities? Where shall we go for refuge? I, in my turn, shall ask, What is the country that observes the commandments of God? What country is not influenced by human fear where the interest of the Church and the glory of God are at stake? (Ah, indeed! What country, what nation upon earth?) In behalf of my Superior and myself, I have often asked myself where we could go for refuge, had we the means for the journey and for our subsistence, on condition that no person were to know it? But I renounce these useless thoughts. We are very guilty! In consequence of this, it is necessary that a very great and terrible scourge should come to revive our faith, and to restore to us our very reason, which we have almost entirely lost. Mélanie

Victim of Jesus nee MELANIE CALVAT,
Shepherdess of La Salette

"I protest highly against a different text, which people may dare publish after my death. I protest once more against the very false statements of all those who dare say and write First that I embroidered the Secret; second, against those who state that the Queen Mother did not say to transmit the Secret to all her people." Mélanie

Eighth Winter Explosion: Bronx Explosion Kills Woman And Injures Nine Including Five Cops

This explosion was a little more dramatic than the other "gas" explosions.

Sounds like the explosion occurred in two old ladies  home - still could be a Muslim bomb making and the authorities will not report it. Why were the cops there? Did the FIVE cops get hit with the explosion?

Again why were the Cops there?

very suspicious - these “gas” explosions…..

Fiery Bronx explosion kills woman, 9 others injured — including 5 cops 

A Bronx home exploded in flames during a possible gas leak and collapsed Tuesday — killing a 77-year-old woman and injuring at least nine other people, officials said. The dead woman and her sister were inside the building when it exploded, and both were found laying on the ground outside when emergency responders arrived on scene, the FDNY said. The surviving sister is in critical condition, as is a third woman, authorities said. The badly injured women are ages 82 and 68, according to the NYPD. At least nine other people also were injured, including five cops, officials said. All were in stable condition and suffered from smoke inhalation, authorities said. Firefighters responded to the home on Fox Street near Intervale Avenue in Longwood just before 11 a.m., about 4 minutes after they received reports of an explosion and collapse, the FDNY said.

Photos showed flames engulfing the building, and later, thick plumes of smoke still rising from the leveled home’s debris as dozens of firefighters worked the scene. Mayor Eric Adams was headed to the scene for an afternoon press conference. ConEdison confirmed that its workers were on scene — with FDNY sources saying there were reports of an odor of gas. The incident comes just over a week after an inferno at a Bronx high-rise killed nine adults and eight children ranging in age from 2 to 50. Source


Monday, January 17, 2022

GOOGLE + LARRY PAGE DOOM & HUNGA TONGA ERUPTION: Google Honors Martin Luther King But Refuses To Honor Jesus Christ On Christmas!

Hunga Tonga–Hunga HaÊ»apai 
14 JANUARY 2022

The reclusive billionaire Larry Page has stayed mostly on the heart-shaped Tavarua island, which lies west of the main Fijian island, two people who have seen him there in the past year told Insider. Jul 23, 2021 

Larry Page 

Born: March 26, 1973 (age 48 years), Lansing, MI 

Net worth: 118.8 billion USD (2022) Forbes

Founded: Google 

Colleagues: Sergey Brin 

Spouse: Lucinda Southworth

Larry Page lives on Tavarua & New Zealand 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...Larry can run but you can't hide! LOL! 

Home Of GOOGLE Co-Founder Larry Page

I spell DOOM for GOOGLE & Larry Page

25 DECEMBER 2021:

No wonder Billionaire Larry Page is in hiding.

The Godless Indian Google Employees are gonna get Larry killed....

17 JANUARY 2022:




Palo Alto home with reported ties to Google's Larry Page goes up in flames 

A home on an $11 million Palo Alto, Calif., property that reportedly has ties to Google co-founder Larry Page was destroyed in a three-alarm fire Tuesday. A neighbor told Palo Alto Online, which broke story, that the property on Bryant Street in the exclusive neighborhood of Old Palo Alto was owned "by either Google co-founder Larry Page or Google itself." The late Apple CEO Steve Jobs owned a home in the leafy neighborhood of grand homes. When firefighters arrived on the scene after 8 p.m., three sides of a two-story home were engulfed in flames, the Palo Alto Fire Department said in a statement. "Additionally, flames from the fire threatened tall trees on one side of the structure," the department said. Palo Alto Online reported the fire impacted a back unit of the main home with a long driveway. Firefighters quickly contained the blaze and stopped it from burning the primary structure.  Source


1. Two Popes. (13 March 2013)
2. Manifestation of the Forerunner to the Antichrist (21 October 2019)
3. Death of Two Popes (_ _/_ _/2022)
4. Start of Thirty Five Years Worth of Chastisements (_ _/_ _/2022)
5. Rise of the Political Power of the Forerunner to the Antichrist (_ _/_ _/_ _ _ _)
6. Creation of Forerunner's Nationalist Army  (_ _/_ _/_ _ _ _)
7. Persecution of the Catholic Church by the Forerunner and His Nationalist Army  (_ _/_ _/_ _ _ _)
8. Murder of Fatima Pope & Faithful on top a Steep Mountain by Forerunner and his Army.
9. The Rise of the Great Monarch & Great Pontiff (near the end of the 35 year Chastisement)
10. The death of the Forerunner to the Antichrist.


"I didn't see, I don't see any Great Pope or Great Monarch before an extremely great tribulation, horrifying, terrible and general for all Christendom. But before that time, twice there will be a short lived peace; TWO shaky, servile, doubtful popes" Mélanie


“The great chastisement will come, because men will not be converted; yet it is only their conversion that can hinder these scourges. God will begin to strike men by inflicting lighter punishments in order to open their eyes; then He will stop, or may repeat His former warnings to give place for repentance. But sinners will not avail themselves of these opportunities; He will, in consequence, send more severe castigations, anxious to move sinners to repentance, but all in vain. Finally, the obduracy of sinners shall draw upon their heads the greatest and most terrible calamities. Mélanie

“We are all guilty! Penance is not done, and sin increases daily. Those who should come forward to do good are retained by fear. Evil is great. A moderate punishment serves only to irritate the spirits, because they view all things with human eyes. God could work a miracle to convert and change the aspect of the earth without chastisement. God will work a miracle; it will be a stroke of His mercy; but after the wicked shall have inebriated themselves with blood, the scourge shall arrive Mélanie

“What countries shall be preserved from such calamities? Where shall we go for refuge? I, in my turn, shall ask, What is the country that observes the commandments of God? What country is not influenced by human fear where the interest of the Church and the glory of God are at stake? (Ah, indeed! What country, what nation upon earth?) In behalf of my Superior and myself, I have often asked myself where we could go for refuge, had we the means for the journey and for our subsistence, on condition that no person were to know it? But I renounce these useless thoughts. We are very guilty! In consequence of this, it is necessary that a very great and terrible scourge should come to revive our faith, and to restore to us our very reason, which we have almost entirely lost. Mélanie

Victim of Jesus nee MELANIE CALVAT,
Shepherdess of La Salette

"I protest highly against a different text, which people may dare publish after my death. I protest once more against the very false statements of all those who dare say and write First that I embroidered the Secret; second, against those who state that the Queen Mother did not say to transmit the Secret to all her people." Mélanie

Media And Authorities Refer To All Muslim Terrorists As Homeless: Black Muslim Stabs To Death Brianna Kupfer, 24, A UCLA Grad Student.....


Homeless replaces Black Muslim that way the media and the police don't have to identify the Murderer as a Black Muslim

Muslim terrorism doesn't exist according to the White House, the Media and the Authorities 

From now on call all Muslim terrorists - homeless....

Homeless man
Homeless man
Homeless man
Homeless man.......

UCLA grad student, 24, is stabbed to death while working in LA furniture store: Homeless man knifes her in random attack before calmly walking out of back door 

A UCLA grad student has been stabbed to death in a random attack while she was working in a luxury furniture store in Los Angeles. Brianna Kupfer, 24, was alone in the Croft House store on La Brea Avenue when a man entered and knifed her. The architectural design student from Pacific Palisades was discovered 20 minutes later by another customer after Thursday's attack. Police said the male suspect is believed to be homeless and fled through the back door before calming walking down an alley, adding that he did not know the victim. Brianna was working in the furniture store as a design consultant after graduating from Brentwood High School and the University of Miami. Her father told CBSLA she was 'loved by all' and was a talented artist. Riley Rea, co-owner of Croft House, told the LA Times that Brianna was beloved by her coworkers at the store where she had worked for a year. She added: 'She was mature beyond her years.' The LAPD said in a statement: 'The suspect is described as a male Black, unknown age, tall, thin, wearing a dark hoodie, sunglasses, a white N-95 mask, dark skinny jeans, dark shoes and carrying a dark back pack. 'Based on evidence discovered by detectives, the suspect is believed to be homeless.' Source

Another LA "Homeless Man" AKA Muslim Terrorist Beats To Death LA Nurse, Sandra Shells, 70.

Another Muslim Terrorist is called Homeless by Media and the Authorities...

His name is Kerry Bell.

Does not say if Mr. Kerry Bell is a Black man

Does not give his Muslim Name....

But he is homeless that way no need to mention that he is a Black Muslim Convert 

LA nurse, 70, dies at hospital where she worked for 38 years after being beaten by homeless man, 48, then falling and hitting her head while waiting on bus to work 

An elderly nurse who was badly injured after being attacked at a Los Angeles transit bus stop has died of her injuries at a hospital where she worked for 38 years, her employer announced on Sunday. Sandra Shells, 70, was attacked by a homeless man at about 5.15 a.m. on Thursday near Vignes Street and Cesar Chavez Avenue, half a mile away from Union Station, while she was waiting to catch a bus to her job at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center, according to the Los Angeles Police Department. Tragically, she succumbed to her injuries at the same medical facility on Sunday. Later that same day, police arrested Kerry Bell, a 48-year-old homeless man who was found sleeping not far away from the bus station. Bell allegedly punched Shells in the head, leading the nurse to hit her head on the ground, likely striking it against the concrete. As a result of her fall, Shell suffered a fractured skull. Bell was arrested without incident on suspicion of assault, but his charge will be updated to suspicion of murder, according to police. No motive for the unprovoked attack has been revealed. Bell is being held on $2million bail, according to jail records. Bell has one prior arrest in Los Angeles, but multiple prior arrests in several other states, according to the LAPD. Los Angeles Police Department Chief Michel Moore shared on Twitter that Shells' death was 'a tragic and senseless murder directly tied to the failure of this Nation's mental health resources. We can and must do better. This victim lived her life for others. We are falling short.' 'We are deeply saddened by this news,' officials with LA County-USC Medical Center said in a statement. 'Sandra Shells will forever be remembered for her compassionate care and unmatched dedication to her patients and her community throughout her 38-year career at LAC+USC.' 'Sandra worked tirelessly and selflessly to keep her patients safe and healthy and will always be remembered as a kind, compassionate and giving nurse with a helpful and thoughtful nature who was a favorite amongst colleagues and patients. 'There will never be enough words to express our gratitude for her tremendous work and dedication,' the statement added.Source

Sunday, January 16, 2022

DOOM On 5 FEBRUARY 2022: Let My People Go That They May Sacrifice To Me In The Desert Lest A Pestilence Or The Sword Fall Upon Us.

Sacrifice of Moses
Massimo Stanzione (1585-1656)

This is how we see that the stripped and barren new mass is unifying and will protect us from pestilence and the sword and famine.....maybe this is why Pope Francis is abolishing the Latin Mass to see if DOOM follows or not. 

I say it does.

Update on Traditionis Custodes at St. John Cantius 

In accordance with the policy of His Eminence Cardinal Blase Cupich and the implementation of the motu proprio of His Holiness Pope Francis Traditionis Custodes within the Archdiocese of Chicago, there will be changes to the schedule of Masses at St John Cantius Church. Beginning on January 25, 2022, on the first Sunday of each month, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be celebrated in the Ordinary Form of the Roman Missal, both in Latin and English. The Archdiocese also prescribes for us liturgical unity of prayer for Holy Mother Church’s major feasts of Christmas, Pentecost and Easter, including the Triduum. The Canons Regular of St John Cantius are committed to serving the faithful within the Archdiocese of Chicago. We Canons will live more fully our charism, “the core of our apostolate”—our very purpose— to restore the sacred. Source

The Archdiocese also prescribes for us liturgical unity of prayer.....lest a Pestilence or the Sword fall upon us?

Just the opposite.

They want Pestilence and the sword to fall upon us. Or Pope Francis doesn't believe that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has such power to prevent Pestilence, Sword and Famine...etc......

Pope Francis is no better than the Pharao

After these things Moses and Aaron went in, and said to Pharao: Thus saith the Lord God of Israel: Let my people go that they may sacrifice to me in the desert. But he answered: Who is the Lord, that I should hear his voice, and let Israel go? I know not the Lord, neither will I let Israel go. And they said: The God of the Hebrews hath called us, to go three days' journey into the wilderness and to sacrifice to the Lord our God: lest a pestilence or the sword fall upon us. The king of Egypt said to them: Why do you Moses and Aaron draw off the people from their works? Get you gone to your burdens. Exodus. v.

I bet a Pestilence or the Sword or Famine or other major DOOM falls upon us on 5 FEBRUARY 2022.

The New Mass is not unifying.

What will happen on the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany?

1. Pope Benedict Dies
2. Devastating Earthquake 10 MAG Killing Millions
3. Tsunami killing Millions
4. Millions drop dead of some unexpected virus or plague
5. Start of World Wide Famine
6. Horrible Muslim Terror attack killing Hundreds of Thousands
7. Nuclear detonation killing Millions.
8. War in the Ukraine etc.... 

Take your pick.

Here is the Gospel reading for the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany that Pope Francis does not want to be read on Sunday 5 FEBRUARY 2022:

GOSPEL Matt. 13:24-30 
At that time, Jesus spoke this parable to them, saying: "The kingdom of heaven is likened to a man that sowed good seed in his field. But while men were asleep, his enemy came and oversowed cockle among the wheat and went his way. And when the blade was sprung up, and had brought forth fruit, then appeared also the cockle. And the servants of the good man of the house coming said to him. 'Sir, didst thou not sow good seed in thy field? Whence then hath it cockle?' And he said to them: 'An enemy hath done this.' And the servants said to him: 'Wilt thou that we go and gather it up?' And he said: 'No, lest perhaps gathering up the cockle, you root up the wheat also together with it. Suffer both to grow until the harvest, and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers: 'Gather up first the cockle, and bind it into bundles to burn, but the wheat gather ye into my barn.' "

Atheist Jeffrey Parker, Atlanta Transit Leader CEO Jumps In Front Of Train.....

Atlanta transit leader CEO Jeffrey Parker dead
ATLANTA — Jeffrey Parker, who led the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority during a time of expansion and then during the pandemic when public transportation ridership plummeted, has died, the agency announced. A spokesperson for the agency, Stephany Fisher, said that Parker killed himself when he was struck by a train in the East Lake Station in DeKalb County at about 10:30 p.m. Friday. “He was an outstanding leader and steward of MARTA whose passing leaves us all heartbroken,” MARTA Chairwoman Rita Scott said in a statement posted on the agency’s website. “We are devastated at this loss as we valued Jeff’s leadership and looked forward to him bringing his vision for transit to fruition. The entire metro Atlanta region owes him a debt of gratitude for his transformational efforts and we will not stop working to build on the foundation he created.” Source

Muslim Malik Faisal Akram, 44-Year-Old British Citizen Is The Texas Synagogue Muslim Terrorist

FBI identifies Texas synagogue 'terrorist' as 44-year-old British man Malik Faisal Akram: US officials liaise with Met Police over gun-toting intruder who held four captive before being shot dead - as Liz Truss condemns 'act of anti-Semitism' 

The British man who was shot dead after taking four people hostage inside a Texas synagogue has been identified as a 44-year-old man from Blackburn. Malik Faisal Akram was shot dead after a stand-off with American intelligence officers at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas on Saturday. Akram, who was reportedly armed with 'backpacks of explosives', had demanded the release of convicted Pakistani terrorist Aafia Siddiqui - known as Lady Al Qaeda - who police say was referred to as his sister. He held the hostages, including Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker, trapped inside the Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, approximately 27 miles from Dallas, for about 10 hours before being shot dead. 

Aafia Siddiqui - known as Lady Al Qaeda

All of the hostages were subsequently reported free and safe. Foreign Secretary Liz Truss took to Twitter to condemn the 'appalling act of terrorism and anti-semitism in Texas'. Ms Truss added: 'We stand with US in defending the rights and freedoms of our citizens against those who spread hate.' Lead FBI special agent Matthew DeSarno confirmed Akram was a British citizen and that 'at this time there is no indication that other individuals are involved' in a statement released to the media on Sunday afternoon. He said the FBI Shooting Incident Review Team would conduct a 'thorough, factual and objective investigation'. Counter Terror police also confirmed to MailOnline they would continue to work with 'US authorities and colleagues in the FBI' in the coming days as the investigation into Akram's actions continues. It comes as dramatic livestream footage revealed the moment two hostages ran out of the temple. Akram can be seen popping out of the door as he chases after them with a gun, before quickly retreating back inside and closing the door after spotting the nearby SWAT team. Dozens of agents then breach the synagogue as gunshots can be heard. A spokesman for the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office said on Sunday: 'We are aware of the death of a British man in Texas and are in contact with the local authorities.' Source

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Brother Of 'Lady Al Qaeda' Aafia Siddiqui Holding Jews Hostage At Beth Israel Synagogue In Colleyville, Texas

'Lady Al Qaeda' Aafia Siddiqui

Aafia Siddique, a Pakistani national educated in the United States, was detained in Afghanistan in 2008. She was sent to a U.S. military base where, according to the Bush administration, she attempted to murder several U.S. military officers in an attempted escape. Siddique was wounded in her escape attempt, but she survived and was quickly transported to New York in September 2008 for trial. She was convicted of attempted murder in 2010 and sentenced to serve 86 years. Siddique is currently being held at the Federal Medical Center in Carswell, TX, a Federal prison for inmates with special health needs. Source

Officials negotiating with man reportedly holding people hostage at a Colleyville, Texas, synagogue during services 

A man stormed into a Texas synagogue on the Sabbath and is holding hostages, telling a SWAT team, 'If anyone tries to enter this building, I’m telling you…everyone will die.' The unknown assailant took the hostages at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville during a religious service around 11.30am, which was being live-streamed. The live-stream cut off shortly before 2pm local time. Before the livestream cut off, the unknown assailant can be heard saying, 'I'm going to die. Don't cry about me' Colleyville, Texas, police are conducting SWAT operations and locals are being told to evacuate the area. State police are also assisting the scene as authorities set up by a nearby middle school, according to WFAA. The school is around the corner from the synagogue. The live-stream cut off shortly before 2pm local time, where the man can be heard saying: 'I'm going to die.' According to Star-Telegram reporter Jessika Harkay, he was overheard saying: 'I'm going to die, are you listening? I'm going to die doing this alright? Are you listening? I'm going to die. Don't cry about me.' It is unclear who he was saying this too. He reportedly also ranted about religion in between saying that he's 'going to die,' as well as made vague references to weapons and ammunition. It is unknown if there are any injuries or fatalities at this moment. Social media users have been offering prayers for Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker, but his condition and location is unknown.  Source

One demand - to release sister:

Hostage negotiators are locked in a tense standoff at a Texas synagogue where a man is demanding that a convicted terrorist be released from prison  

Hostage negotiators were locked in a tense standoff Saturday at a Texas synagogue where a man apparently demanding the release of a convicted terrorist had reportedly taken a rabbi and several others captive, police and media said. US President Joe Biden has been briefed "on the developing hostage situation" in Colleyville, some 25 miles (40 kilometers) west of Dallas, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said on Twitter. ABC News, citing an unidentified source, said the suspect had taken a rabbi and at least three others hostage at the Congregation Beth Israel. The network reported that the hostage-taker was armed and had claimed to have bombs in unknown locations. Quoting a US official briefed on the matter, ABC reported the man was claiming to be the brother of Aafia Siddiqui -- who has been dubbed "Lady Qaeda" by US tabloids -- and was demanding to have his sister freed from prison. Source