Sunday, February 28, 2021

Muslim Terrorists Threaten PIERS MORGAN: But There's Nothing That Piers Will Do - Because Muslims Are A Protected Class In British Society....


So when Piers finds the ones who sent the threatening Tweets and realizes that they are Muslims  - Piers will then apologize profusely and ask forgiveness from the Muslim terrorists..

PIERS MORGAN: To the internet troll who threatened to kill me: I will find you 

‘I used to be constantly disappointed by the human race,’ tweeted Ricky Gervais today, ‘but Twitter has helped me lower my expectations.’ As so often, the scalpel-sharp comedian’s scathing summation perfectly encapsulated my own thoughts about a social-media platform that’s descended from fun public chatroom into seething cesspit of self-righteous fury and bellicose bile. I still love Twitter, both as an unparalleled journalistic resource and as an entertaining way to interact with people, but even my rhino-thick skin gets occasionally pierced by the shudderingly vile abuse that contaminates so much of it these days. You can benefit hugely in terms of raising your profile (I currently have 7.7 million followers on Twitter and 1.4 million on Instagram) and promoting your work. But in return, you’re going to be bombarded with a lot of vicious hate. And it doesn’t matter who you are; in the past few weeks, I’ve been sickened by horrendous Twitter abuse aimed at national heroes like Captain Tom, Marcus Rashford and even Prince Philip while he received treatment in hospital. For someone like me who deliberately provokes lively debate, there’s an expectation of passionate critical reaction and I largely enjoy it. Source

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