Saturday, April 8, 2017

Holy "Hermit of Loreto" Tom Zimmer Had A Vision That Donald Trump Would Lead America Back To God, Dedicated Brick In Holy Door Of Vatican........


  1. Thousands might believe the story of Donald Trump, but I am a doubter. But who knows? (I love this priest's accent.) The Abbe Georges de Nantes wrote a convincing article decades ago that the House of Loreto was actually disassembled by Crusaders in the Middle East and eventually put back together in Loreto.

    1. I did not know about that story by Abbe Georges de Nantes. Do you have a link? I can't find any.

      Oh and I don't believe a word of the Trump prophecy.

      Trump's cupidty gets in the way of him finding God or leading anyone else to God.....unless of course Trump leads every one to God because he drops the bomb and starts a nuclear war...then I guess in a way, that is leading people to God! LOL!

    2. Believe. It is True. Trump is here because God uses weak men to achieve his ends. In so doing no man can claim the Glory that rightly belongs to GOD himself. Those who know, believe. Those that think they are wise, do not.

  2. In a print issue, before the internet got rolling, from November, 1995, Abbe de Nantes commented on the House of Loreto. Amazingly, I just found the issue here. He believed, as I do, that it is indeed the house of the Annunciation, but that a " by the name of Angeli, a branch of the imperial family which reigned in Constantinople, held important lands in Palestine" and that they took steps to move the house. A couple of moves, first to what is now Albania, and then to Loreto. My interest is rising, and so I will be rereading this issue.
