Saturday, January 9, 2021

Daniel's Second Beast BEAR = SOCIAL MEDIA: Social Media Bans Trump + Trump To Create TrumpNet


And behold another beast like a bear stood up on one side: and there were three rows in the mouth thereof, and in the teeth thereof, and thus they said to it: Arise, devour much flesh. Dan.7.4        

The second Beast is Bear. 

BEAR = SOCIAL MEDIA (Microsoft + Facebook + Apple + Youtube + Twitter + Instagram + Google + Amazon's Alexa + Snapchat + WhatsApp + Tik Tok etc...)  
Arise, devour much flesh... 

Looking at possibilities of building our own platform', Trump says after Twitter account suspension

Following the permanent suspension of his Twitter account, Donald Trump has said that he will look at the 'possibilities of building out our own platform in the future'.

Twitter on Friday, permanently suspended Trump’s account citing 'the risk of further incitement of violence'. This is the first time Twitter has banned a head of state.

“After close review of recent Tweets from the @realDonaldTrump account and the context around them we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence,” the company said in a tweet.

Using the @POTUS account, Trump said he would look at building his own platform. Railing against Twitter, Trump said as he has been saying for a long time, Twitter has gone further and further in banning free speech, and tonight, Twitter employees have coordinated with the Democrats and Radical Left in removing my account from their platform, to silence me.

He added that Twitter may be a private company, but without the government's gift of Section 230, they would not exist for long, BBC reported. “We have been negotiating with various other sites, and will have a big announcement soon, while we also look at the possibilities of building out our own platform in the near future,” Trump further said.  Source


Trump without Twitter: Will he move to the 'Trumpnet'? 

Parler. Gab. Rumble. MeWe. DLive. Over the last four years, a small constellation of newish social media sites and web platforms has found favor with those on the political right who see the heavy hand of censorship in Facebook’s and Twitter's tightening policies against hate speech and violent rhetoric. 

Now, with President Trump "permanently suspended" from Twitter and indefinitely locked out of Facebook in the final days of his presidency, this fringe ecosystem — call it the Trumpnet — may be poised to break into the mainstream. Especially if Trump himself is prepared to give it a boost. 

On Friday, hours after Twitter announced the ban over the risk of further escalation after Trump's incitement of a violent riot at the U.S. Capitol, he took to the official @POTUS account to say: "We have been negotiating with various other sites, and will have a big announcement soon, while we also look at the possibilities of building out our own platform in the near future. We will not be SILENCED!" (Twitter quickly removed the tweets, saying it was a violation of policy to use an alternative account to evade a ban.) 

For a businessman who leveraged his television celebrity and branding prowess into an unlikely presidential victory, and who is now days away from returning to the private sector, the loss of accounts that reach hundreds of millions of consumers carries a high cost. 

Lena Young, director of communications at influencer marketing agency Klear, noted that Trump’s large follower counts on the biggest social media platforms — 88.8 million on Twitter, 33 million on Facebook, 24.6 million on Instagram — and high engagement metrics have significant financial value. 

“In the past 30 days, Trump tweeted 18.5 times per day, and [got] a total of 17,198,229 retweets, and 79,915,702 likes,” Young said in an email. “If Trump wanted to generate the same results through paid media, he would need to spend approximately $2,196,506 per month.” 

If Trump is stripped of his social media megaphones, he represents a gigantic potential bounty for any of the smaller, free-speech-focused, conservative-oriented platforms that have sprung up from the wreckage of his years-long brawl with Big Tech. 

Trump supporters who want to withhold their use of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Twitch can find analogs, of a sort, in Parler, MeWe, Rumble and DLive. Refugees of Reddit’s r/The_Donald forum, banned from the platform for promoting hate, now gather at 

The ratcheting enforcement actions by Facebook and Twitter aimed at curbing misinformation about the election and the COVID-19 pandemic seem to be driving growth for these services. 

After the 2020 election, Parler temporarily became the No. 1 app on Apple’s App Store and reported more than 4.5 million registrations in the span of a week. (The numbers have subsequently fallen, CNN reported.) Gab, whose embrace of "free speech, individual liberty and the free flow of information online" has made it a haven for the far right, has claimed to have more than 1 million accounts; in a post Friday, founder Andrew Torba said the service is "scaling up as fast as we can" in the face of "record traffic." Rumble and MeWe also say they’ve seen user registrations skyrocket; the latter claims to have added 1 million users in the week after the election, Vice reported. 

The question is whether Trump, after the Twitter ban, will follow his fans — especially to Parler, the pseudo-Twitter that has drawn many of the biggest MAGA-sphere celebrities. Launched in 2018, it has been a darling of the right, enjoying shout-outs from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and money from GOP mega-donor Rebekah Mercer. 

Although Fox News' Sean Hannity claimed Thursday that Trump had joined Parler, Newsweek reported that the president did not seem to have an active, verified account on the platform; Reuters fact-checkers confirmed as much. Neither Parler nor a White House representative responded to a request for comment. Source


Arise, devour much flesh......

Here is my take on the Four Beasts:

The Four beasts of Daniel are:


1. The first was like a lioness, and had the wings of an eagle: I beheld till her wings were plucked off, and she was lifted up from the earth, and stood upon her feet as a man, and the heart of a man was given to her

SECOND BEAST BEAR = SOCIAL MEDIA/AI (facebook twitter etc...)

2. And behold another beast like a bear stood up on one side: and there were three rows in the mouth thereof, and in the teeth thereof, and thus they said to it: Arise, devour much flesh.


3. After this I beheld, and lo, another like a leopard, and it had upon it four wings as of a fowl, and the beast had four heads, and power was given to it.


4. After this I beheld in the vision of the night, and lo, a fourth beast, terrible and wonderful, and exceeding strong, it had great iron teeth, eating and breaking in pieces, and treading down the rest with its feet: and it was unlike to the other beasts which I had seen before it, and had ten horns.

All four beast are different from one another - the third and fourth beasts are political in nature but different - the third being man-made nationalistic political authority and the fourth being man-made universal political authority.

I think this is in line with what the Church Fathers would say.

If any Churchmen find fault in this let me know.

As for laymen - your opinion is not needed....

Arise, devour much flesh......

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